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Don Juan, ou le Festin de pierre
Don Juan, ou le Festin de pierre
Don Juan, ou le Festin de pierre
Livre électronique176 pages1 heure

Don Juan, ou le Festin de pierre

Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles



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Date de sortie1 oct. 1973
Don Juan, ou le Festin de pierre


Molière was a French playwright, actor, and poet. Widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the French language and universal literature, his extant works include comedies, farces, tragicomedies, comédie-ballets, and more.

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Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles

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  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    Sadly, with Don Juan, I believe that I have now read all of Richard Wilbur's translations of French drama. Then again, I had thought that years ago and they recently started republishing ones I hadn't read. So maybe I will be pleasantly surprised by some more translations.

    Sadly also, this is the only Wilbur translation that has any false notes, specifically the dialogue of the rustic peasants in Act II sounds anachronistic and tinny, with phrases like "Hell's bells." Clearly an artistic choice on Wilbur's part but not one that worked for me.

    But, of course, Don Juan is spectacular. It is in prose, like other versions of Don Juan a strange combination of comedy, romance, tragedy, moral fable, and other genres. The prose has the same grace as Wilbur's versions of Moliere's rhyming verse. And Don Juan's depiction is complex and multi-faceted.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    Sadly, with Don Juan, I believe that I have now read all of Richard Wilbur's translations of French drama. Then again, I had thought that years ago and they recently started republishing ones I hadn't read. So maybe I will be pleasantly surprised by some more translations.Sadly also, this is the only Wilbur translation that has any false notes, specifically the dialogue of the rustic peasants in Act II sounds anachronistic and tinny, with phrases like "Hell's bells." Clearly an artistic choice on Wilbur's part but not one that worked for me.But, of course, Don Juan is spectacular. It is in prose, like other versions of Don Juan a strange combination of comedy, romance, tragedy, moral fable, and other genres. The prose has the same grace as Wilbur's versions of Moliere's rhyming verse. And Don Juan's depiction is complex and multi-faceted.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    A classic play, Don Juan is at once a morality tale in which the libertine anti-hero is haunted by a former victim and finally ends in his rightful place in Hell--which is what let Moliere get away with producing it in the first place--and a delightfully subversive comedy in which the devil gets all the best lines (well, in truth, the best lines go to Don Juan's servant, the role which Moliere wrote for himself) and we find ourselves rooting for the deliciously amoral, womanizing Don Juan the whole time despite ourselves. There are plenty of plays from this period which attempt this balance--titilating but ultimately at least ostensibly supportive of the sexually repressive status quo--and fail, but in Moliere's hands the play never once hits a sour note. Instead, we are provided with some of the most crackling, wittiest dialogue to be found in French literature of this era, and a closing monologue which is nothing less than a work of genius.

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Don Juan, ou le Festin de pierre - Molière

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