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Reflechissez Et Devenez Riche / Think and Grow Rich [Translated]
Reflechissez Et Devenez Riche / Think and Grow Rich [Translated]
Reflechissez Et Devenez Riche / Think and Grow Rich [Translated]
Livre électronique210 pages4 heures

Reflechissez Et Devenez Riche / Think and Grow Rich [Translated]

Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles



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An updated and modern French translation for the 21st century.Grâce aux révélations que contient ce livre, vous surmonterez tous les obstacles et satisferez vos ambitions, quelles qu'elles soient. Cet ouvrage est le fruit d'une étude de 20 années qui a porté sur la vie de personnalités ayant connu les succès les plus éclatants, tels Henry Ford, John D. Rockfeller et Alexander Graham Bell. Si la fortune vous intéresse, si la réussite ne vous effraie pas, ce livre vous est destiné...
Date de sortie4 juin 2012
Reflechissez Et Devenez Riche / Think and Grow Rich [Translated]

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 in a one-room cabin on the Pound River in Wise County, Virginia. He is the author of the motivational classics The Laws of Success and Think and Grow Rich. Hill passed away in November 1970 after a long and successful career writing, teaching, and lecturing about the principles of success. His lifework continues under the direction of the Napoleon Hill Foundation.

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  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    Think And Grow Rich is phenomenal and life changing for me and everyone I know that has read it! I recommend it to all of my friends and family. It's a must read at least once! Napoleon Hill was very ahead of his time. Once I read it I wished I had knew about it and read it many years ago!
  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    A great Book, a classic that everyone should read and capitalise on.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    First,to begin with,the action plan in this book is something to admire,something you'd wish all self help and inspirational writers would adopt,it's crazily effective.This beats all the other "Get rich" books by the other writers,I stand to be corrected.
    Best ever.

  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    I was interested to read this because it inspired Bad Brains. Makes some good points and reiterates some ideas I've read in other books of the genre.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    The book was written just after The Great Depression of the 1930s, however, much of its advice is still relevant today. There are a few dated areas, but there are small, minor, and far-between. This book is as good today as it was then.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    Definitely useful.
  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    I'm listening to this as an audiobook while getting other things done. It was written in 1938 and I don't think has aged well, in regards to writing style. However you can't take a step into positive thinking/learned happiness/learned optimism waters without hearing about this book. It seems to be the primordial well from which all other positive thinking guides spring. So, I'm listening to it mostly as research so I know what the heck everyone is talking about.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    Always a great reread or re-read. A good straight forward kick in the pants to put the head on straight and move forward. I have bought copies for my children to keep and review over their lives
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    This is my bible. If only 51% of America adhered to the teachings of this book, then we truly would be the greatest superpower ever. This is one of those books that I must read annually. In order to go back to basics. I highly recommend everyone read this book and practice the techniques within. It is not just about being financially rich, but also about being rich in areas that matter to you, family, spirituality and living a balanced life.
  • Évaluation : 2 sur 5 étoiles
    This Audio book had a unique way of swithching disks that I liked. The beginning and end of each disk would have a lot of music so you'd realize that it was time to switch without being interrupted in thought by "End of Disk 1" The rest of this was not appreciated. Granted taking my word for it might not be the best when it comes to self help books from someone who didn't actually follow the suggestions. Regardless, this book badly needs to be updated for the 20th century. Did you know part of the reason I might be poor is because I don't have enough sex energy? Did you know that it doesn't matter if women are poor? They might kill themselves, but were not sure. Oh and every man loves a woman. None of this would go over by any 21st century publisher.
  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
  • Évaluation : 2 sur 5 étoiles
    I started this book just because I was looking for something to read via Audible.com. I continued on reading due to having already used the credit in my account and because I needed something to listen to while running, anyway.The original edition contains dated scientific references, among other things. A majority of the book is written in a formal style, such that it reads as a textbook, but without actual authority behind it.There are some inspirational moments and prescriptive details in the book, but the book starts and finishes in the realm of the surreal.I actually ended up enjoying the cultural oddities preserved in a 70 year old book, which got me through it.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    This book was, for the most part, very encouraging. I don't agree with the spirituality behind Hills Philosophy, but a lot of what he presents is common sense. Thinking patterns do affect outcomes in people lives and wealthy people tend to think a certain way.
  • Évaluation : 1 sur 5 étoiles
    This book was recommended to my by my grandfather when I was less than 10 yrs old. This grandfather also told me that the Billionaires (or millionaires he may have said) started wars at will and created the necessary ruckus in Congress and in the Press after the fact to get what they want. They made huge fortunes off World War I, and even if they did have to pay income taxes for the first time to fight that kind of war, they got a substantial share of the national tax bill back for themselves into few pockets. The architectural record all over the Industrial Midwest attests to those profits. That game persists very well today with 50% of income tax going into military coffers. Less and less of that is going into the hands of military personnel and their families. There are plenty of lobbyists working on reducing even that share. Our family have deep roots in Industrial America. My grandparents' grandparents and great aunts and great uncles families played in the same sandbox with Carnegie, Mellon, Frick, Schwab, Ford, Goodyear, etc etc. since before the Civil War.Mark Booth in his book "The Secret History of the World: As laid down by Secret Societies", which I may also have reviewed on Amazon, summed up the 2000s of years history of Neo-Platonism, or Freemasonry, or whatever other esoterica Napoleon Hill over-simplifies and sugar coats in this book. He says something like "the biggest error in the Western esoteric movement was to focus on materialism and individualism, instead of interconnectedness, spirituality, and sustainability". I couldn't have agreed with him more as I read Think and Grow Rich decades after Grandpa recommended it. It seems a classic left brain, whole brain dichotomy which impacts are now painfully evident on our planet, in our cell tissue, and imprinted on our own psyches, and those of our beloved offspring who inherited their psyches from ours.Hill is a journalist. We can tell from our own world today where journos take official word from politicians as the explanation for things, that similar errors will arise from a generalist journo like Hill taking the word of Plutocrats about how to succeed in business. They need to cover their trails. Our family has plenty of dirt on Carnegie. It is not mentioned in the book, that Charles Schwab is cited as a huge success for envisaging the US Steel Trust, which became a monopoly, with all associated ills, that Teddy Roosevelt had to bust up so that our economy could continue to function. Said bust up resulted in the creation of rival Bethlehem Steel under Schwab and also a generous shareholding for the forebears of our current Supreme Court Justice John Roberts. No mention of the fact that Schwab died alone in one of his many over-sized white elephant houses and estranged from his wife and children. But, we know because he grew up in the next village from where my grandmother grew up. He like them was from humble German Catholic origins. She spoke of him always as "Charlie Schwab", and they were all very familiar with his many foibles and sources of his business success.The last remark would be about Asa Candler and his Coca-Cola. Whatever the origins of cocaine in that stuff, today the high fructose corn syrup is the leading cause of diabetes and obesity in our children. The advertising is relentless, manipulative, and plays on deep identity fears. I should know because I once worked at the advertising agency that handled the account for about 50 years. These brands invented the sophisticated advertising techniques that seduce subconsciously and play on fears. The soft drink industry, with their once dependency on sugar from plantations in Cuba, and their political brethren, are now being implicated by declassified documents and the dharma work of investigative journalists who love America, in the assassination of JFK. They are also implicated in the failed attempt at the theatrical event designed to trigger the press ruckus Grandpa said they'd need to get the American people to back an invasion of Cuba. An invasion JFK refused to his demise, whose real purpose was to get nationalized plantations (and workers) back into the hands of dynastic American Yankee families who had owned them since we were a British Colony probably.Soft drinks bottling was also the way this same crowd established their tentacles in the resource rich third-world by awarding franchises to their clone oligarchs and cement the interdependency on sugar, money, arms, coercion, "free markets" which means no trade unions or democracy in those countries ever. It is also the permanent money maker in countries where there is no investment in anything else to advance the people's lives. The impacts of this kind of business are terrible. Asa of course didn't know any of this would happen, but the stuff was clearly of no nutritional value, but rather another American "tonic" with dubious and impossible to measure psychological claims.These are hardly the attributes of people who claim to have higher moral principles, or spiritually inspired gifts. The whole thing was a project to culturally invade a nation of people into thinking and believing that they too could become rich, without the benefits of monopolies, private Pinkerton Police forces, bought legislatures, public land grants, tax breaks, stacked courts...the list goes on. It speaks of a kind of Lucifer or Ahriman reconstitution to appear to the uninitiated (pun fully intended) that which it isn't, shrouding pure evil in goodness and light. The purveyors of this over simplified stuff do a great disservice to readers. They also do a great disservice to esoterica and Neo-Platonism.At least now the cover is blowing, and more mirrors are appearing in the hallway. So we're now seeing more of these hidden angles! I would recommend Paulo Freire "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" to really learn about how one really does becomes rich, just like Grandpa said and with depth of historic evidence, and more importantly how we all could become more prosperous together as a whole world!
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    Think and Grow Rich is a book to help people create a state of mind that can assist in achieving success. The book offers a number of exercises for the reader to complete to improve success rates. The author provides lists of attributes and attitudes that seem to be common drivers of success and failure for the reader to reflect on.One sound idea is all that one needs to achieve success. Riches begin with a state of mind, with definiteness of purpose. One of the main weaknesses of mankind is the average man's familiarity with the word "impossible." He knows all the rules which will not work. He knows all the things which cannot be done. Know what you want and be determined to stand by that desire until he realized it. Seek expert counsel before giving up. Keep on keeping on, no matter how hard the going may be. This is a lesson that needs to be learned before succeeding.There are a number of principles of success:Desire is the starting point of all achievement. Faith is the visualization of and belief in attainment of desire. Repetition of affirmation of orders to your subconscious mind is the only known method of voluntary development of the emotion of faith. We are what we are, because of the vibrations of thought which we pick up and register, though the stimuli of our daily environment. Auto-suggestion is the medium for influencing the subconscious mind. Specialized knowledge is the personal experience or observations. There are two kind of knowledge - general and specialized. Knowledge will not attract money unless it is organized and intelligently directed through practical plans of action and directed to a definite end. The accumulation of great fortunes calls for power, and power is acquired through highly organized and intelligently directed specialized knowledge, but that knowledge does not, necessarily, have to be in the possession of the man who accumulates the fortune. Specialized knowledge is among the most plentiful and cheapest forms of service which may be had. It pays to know how to purchase knowledge. There is a universal weakness of people - lack of ambition. Specialized knowledge, plus imagination, are the ingredients that go into a successful business. The beginning of a successful business is an idea. A idea is capable of yielding an income far greater than that of the average professional whose education required several years of college. There is no fixed price for sound ideas. Imagination is the workshop of the mind.Organized planning is the crystallization of desire into action. It is not the lawyer who knows the most law, but the one who best prepares his case, who wins. Remember when your plans fail, that temporary defeat is not permanent failure. It may only mean that your plans have not been sound. No man is ever whipped, until he quits -- in his own mind. "Brains" are a form of capital which cannot be permanently depreciated through depressions, nor can this form of capital be stolen or spent. Money is as worthless as a sand dune, until it has been mixed with efficient "brains". Quality, Quantity, Spirit is required for delivering a service. This is commonly called the QQS rating. "Man, know thyself!" If you market merchandise successfully, you must know the merchandise. You should know all of your weaknesses in order that you may either bridge them or eliminate them. This is a free country where every man may think as he pleases, where nearly everybody can live with but little effort, where many may live well without doing and work whatsoever. However, you should know the full truth concerning this freedom of which so many people boast, and so few understand. As great as it is, as far as it reaches, as many privileges as it provides, it does not, and can not bring riches without effort.Decision is the mastery of procrastination. Keep a closed mouth and open ears and eyes. Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it. Deeds, and not words, are what count most. The sustained effort necessary to induce faith. Persistence is a state of mind, therefore it can be cultivatedPower of the master mind the driving force. Power is essential for success in the accumulation of money. Power may be defined as "organized and intelligently directed knowledge. "Master Mind" may be defined as: coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two of more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.The Subconscious Mind is the connecting link. Positive and negative emotions can not occupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate. Fears are nothing more than a state of mind. One's state of mind is subject of control and direction. The six fears are: Poverty, Criticism, Ill health, Loss of love of someone, Old age, Death. There can be no compromise between poverty and riches. The two roads that to poverty and riches go in opposite directions.Your business in life is to achieve success. To be successful, you must find peace of mind, acquire the material needs of life, and attain happiness. You may control your own mind, you have the power to feed it whatever thought impulses you choose. With this privileges goes the responsibility of using it constructively. You are the master of your own earthly destiny just as surely as you have the power to control your own thoughts. You may influence, direct, and eventually control your own environment, making life what you want it to be or you may neglect to exercise the privilege that is yours to make, thus casting yourself upon the broad sea of circumstance.Without a doubt, the most common weakness of all human beings is leaving their minds open to negative influence. Mind control is the result of self-discipline and habit. You either control your mind or it controls you. The most practical way of all methods for controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it busy with a definitive purpose, backed by a definite plan.People who do not succeed have one distinguishing trait in common. They know all the reasons for failure, and what they believe to be air-tight alibis to explain away their own lack of achievement. Building alibis is a deeply rooted habit. Habits are difficult to break, especially when they provide justification for something we do. Plato had this truth in mind when he said, " The first and best victory is to conquer self. To be conquered by self is, of all things, the most shameful and vile." Another philosopher had the same thought in mind when he said, " It was a great surprise to me when I discovered that most of the ugliness Is saw in others, was but a reflection of my own nature."Life is a checkerboard, and the player opposite is time. If you hesitate before moving, or neglect to move promptly, your men will be wiped off the board by time. You are playing against a partner who will not tolerate indecision. Previously, you may have had a logical excuse for not having forced life to come through with whatever you asked, but that alibi is not obsolete, because you are in possession of the master key that unlocks the door to life's bountiful riches.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich is a Powerful foundation for success. This book exercises tools to help in applying things in my everyday life and business from a practical standpoint. This book will motivate and inspire you. A philosophy, scientific and methodology -- We can do re-programming of the unconscious with means of consciousness.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    This is one of my favorite books of all time! I pick it up at least once a year for a refresher. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to maximize their potential.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    Sensible book for the disciplined heart. The prequel to "The Secret".
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    A classic must read!
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    Embarrassed to peruse the self help section? Sorry, but you'll have to! This work has been around since the early 20th century after Napoleon Hill did extensive research and interviews with famous business-people and politicians at the solicitation of Andrew Carnegie. A fun read, but also rooted in philosophy and based on early scientific research and methodology in investigating the human psyche through programming the unconscious by means of consciousness.