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Tendres Adieux
Tendres Adieux
Tendres Adieux
Livre électronique43 pages1 minute

Tendres Adieux

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Soulager le chagrin dans les adieux.Tendres Adieux est un recueil primé de quatre poèmes illustrés qui explorent divers adieux : voyage, déménagement et mort. Chaque histoire, cependant, a une pensée positive pour un lecteur. Ce livre fait un cadeau idéal pour tous.
Table de Matières: L’Adieu; Oscar Démenage; Le Voyage En Ballon; Cet Adieu Long.

Date de sortie17 sept. 2019
Tendres Adieux

Rebecca Trowbridge

Bi-racial, multi-language, author and self-translator, coming off a plane on a balmy night, geology, scientific method, new age mother, daughter is the first daughter of a first daughter of a first daughter of a first daughter, other child is the second child of a second child of a second child, kitsch, amusement rides in shopping centres, carnivals, music cul-de-sac, people who draw, words, night-time jazz, Tom Waits in the early 70s, writing in the wee hours, comfortable underground, eating not cooking, tea rather than coffee but coffee ok even instant, French winters, Melbourne summers, pretentious anytime, skiing, softball, touch football, good times with friends and family, forget to wear costume jewelry, family planning, hot chocolate instead of champagne, noice hotels, texture, yellow, orange, ok all colours, listening practice, always wanted to do a backflip, gratitude, shandies, So You Think You Can Dance without the screaming audience without the judges and without the phone voting, karma and always learning, mentor, truth, looking at the ocean, looking at the sky, every moment counts, baby animals, interactive zoos, source of the pain, 5 whys, psychology, computer addiction however not a facebook addiction, expensive cigars gone stale, custard, apple pie, soft drinks are not for kids, WTF, no gardening but will pull out weeds, life is but a dream, can't go past the eel at a Japanese Restaurant, attitude, self-exploration, accidentally give away the end to movies and books, deep abiding devotion to Survivor reality show...

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    Tendres Adieux - Rebecca Trowbridge

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