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Togu and the Trees of Life (French)
Togu and the Trees of Life (French)
Togu and the Trees of Life (French)
Livre électronique30 pages9 minutes

Togu and the Trees of Life (French)

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Children's environmental awareness booklet on forests with its fauna and flora. This publication is aimed at sensitizing children to the importance of forests and the need to conserve them and also promote tree planting. 'Togu and the Trees of Life' is part Tunza Environmental Series for Children. ''Tunza'' means to treat with care of affection in Kiswahili.
Date de sortie27 mars 2008
Togu and the Trees of Life (French)

Carole Douglis

Carole Douglis is an award-winning journalist who has specialized in writing about climate, biodiversity, and sustainability since the 1990s. Her work has been published in The Atlantic, Harper's, Psychology Today, and in National Geographic Society (NGS) books. She holds a B.A. magna cum laude from Harvard University and an M.A. in international relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

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