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Improve your PivotTables with Excel: Manual
Improve your PivotTables with Excel: Manual
Improve your PivotTables with Excel: Manual
Livre électronique197 pages39 minutes

Improve your PivotTables with Excel: Manual

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Discover multiple tips to optimize the analysis of your data.

With Excel you can calculate, filter and organize your information in thousands ways. PivotTables allow you to produce statistics and analyze data more finely. Any person who handles Excel is able to create a PivotTable. There is no limit in the choice of information to analyze. This book focuses on details, various options and devices that facilitate daily work. It will enable you to make progress in the control of this great statistical tool.

An essential practical guide to perfect your mastery of Excel, an indispensable tool for your daily work.


Thanks to Excel you can at any moment calculate, filter and organize your information in thousands of ways. The PivotTable allows you to produce statistics and analyze the data more finely. Any person who handles Excel is able to create a PivotTable : one sales person can analyze data marketing, one engineer can manage information relating to material resistance. There is no limit in the choice of information to analyze.


Rémy Lentzner has been a computer trainer since 1985. Specialized in the mastery of office automation tools, he assists companies in the professional training of their employees. Self-taught, he has some fifteen computer books to his credit.
Date de sortie13 janv. 2020
Improve your PivotTables with Excel: Manual

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