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La Philosophie dans le boudoir ou Les Instituteurs immoraux
La Philosophie dans le boudoir ou Les Instituteurs immoraux
La Philosophie dans le boudoir ou Les Instituteurs immoraux
Livre électronique233 pages3 heures

La Philosophie dans le boudoir ou Les Instituteurs immoraux

Évaluation : 3.5 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique

Sade a fait de sa sexualité une éthique, qu'il a manifestée dans une oeuvre littéraire. C'est par ce mouvement réfléchi de sa vie d'adulte qu'il a conquis sa véritable originalité. L'ouvrage se présente comme une série de dialogues retraçant l'éducation érotique et sexuelle d'une jeune fille de 15 ans. Une libertine, Mme de Saint-Ange, veut initier Eugénie «dans les plus secrets mystères de Vénus». Elle est aidée en cela par son frère (le chevalier de Mirvel), un ami de son frère (Dolmancé) et par son jardinier (Augustin).
Avis donné sur ce texte par la correctrice qui l'a préparé:
Il est intéressant de voir comment, en partant de postulats semblables (un matérialisme athée, pour simplifier), on arrive à des thèses complètement divergentes. Car mon éthique personnelle, comme celle de beaucoup de gens fort heureusement, m'interdit le viol, le meurtre, la torture, toutes choses que Sade justifie allègrement à longueur de pages. Il est amusant aussi de voir les méthodes qu'il utilise pour défendre ses propres goûts (je n'ai jamais lu un tel éloge de la sodomie), l'hypocrisie derrière laquelle il masque sa misogynie, son besoin pathologique de transgresser pour jouir. C'est d'ailleurs une contradiction essentielle chez lui, puisque la morale qu'il défend tuerait la source de son plaisir si elle venait à s'imposer. Reste que son propos est souvent redondant - ce défaut est cependant propre à nombre de livres à thèse -, que certains échanges frisent le ridicule et qu'on finit par s'ennuyer ferme. Mais ce n'en est pas moins une lecture dérangeante, il est stimulant de penser contre Sade, ce qui est une raison suffisante pour ne pas le brûler...

Date de sortie18 juin 2015
La Philosophie dans le boudoir ou Les Instituteurs immoraux

Marquis de Sade

The Marquis de Sade was a French aristocrat, revolutionary and writer of violent pornography. Incarcerated for 32 years of his life (in prisons and asylums), the majority of his output was written from behind bars. Famed for his graphic depiction of cruelty within classic titles such as ‘Crimes of Love’ and ‘One Hundred Days of Sodom’, de Sade's name was adopted as a clinical term for the sexual fetish known as ‘Sadism’.

En savoir plus sur Marquis De Sade

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Évaluation : 3.265432114197531 sur 5 étoiles

162 notations4 avis

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  • Évaluation : 1 sur 5 étoiles
    This is the worse book ever. I had no idea what it was about, and imagine my surprise and horror! What the hell was Sade's problem? An Oedipus complex or what?! This book sucks so much I want to puke! Get a grip! it's the story of how three grown-ups rape an innocent girl in every possible way yuck!!!
  • Évaluation : 1 sur 5 étoiles
    Worst book ever. Seriously, do not read this. It simply has no redeeming value in it at all. It suceeds at being the most offensive piece of crap ever written,
  • Évaluation : 1 sur 5 étoiles
    I found this book to be a bit much. Portnoy's Complaint dealt with sexuality much more effectively than Philosophy In the Boudoir and I do realize that there is more to this book than plain sexuality and the plight of the libertine was very much engaged in freedom of sex I just found it to be too much.
  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    Judge this book by the cover.

    This is probably the wickedest and the weirdest book I’ve read to date. I don’t recommend Marquis de Sade to anyone. Why did I read this trash? I wanted a challenge. I also read this because I’ve been interested in de Sade for some time now thanks to Grant Morrison’s Invisibles and the movie Quills. I was curious to see how de Sade wrote and how far he could push the envelope.

    Philosophy in the Boudoir pushes the envelope to the max. Almost every sin and bad thought is in this short piece of work. One might feel bad or sick reading most of the passages. De Sade is intentionally offending you as a reader. This book promotes anarchy, atheism, and immoral acts. However, as a reader you have the power to read this book as a work of fiction.

    I decided myself to read this book like something by Machiavelli. Oddly, this book reminded me of the Prince. I don’t know too much about de Sade’s life, but I wonder just how much of this he actually thought. Maybe he was just trying to offend his readers. You could say this is what happens when a philosopher writes porn. Can you even call this porn or erotica?

    There is a ton of sex in this book. You could call this porn or erotica, but there is so much going on. It’s hard for me to place this book anywhere. There is a bit of philosophy mixed into this book, hence the title. I don’t agree with most of de Sade’s philosophy, but at times, he makes good points. I’m not atheist. I’m not fully Christian either. I question many things. This book flat out tells you God doesn’t exist. Unlike some other atheist books, this one didn’t bother me as much though.

    I wonder if de Sade wrote the book today he’d be sent to prison. Today, you read all kinds of things and you even see them on screens. Porn movies didn’t exist during de Sade’s time. Most of the stuff in this book you can find on PornHub if you look long enough, that is, if you want to look that long. For the introduction of this book, de Sade was a human being. He liked dogs, gardened, was into architecture, played games, and actually had good hygiene (which I was a little suspired with). However, his sexual interest is where his flaws showed up. One could say he was insane.

    Another reason I read this book is that I was told not to read Marquis de Sade. I don’t believe in censoring ones taste in books. People should read what they want to read. De Sade is a perfect example of this too. When I was in college, I did this huge project on banned books and book burning. I don’t remember bringing de Sade up, but ever since that project I’ve constantly thought about the topic. Should people read books they’re told no too? These days I leave it up to the reader. However, I don’t agree with people telling other not to read a book just because they didn’t agree with the context.

    I know this review is long and I haven’t talked about the plot of this book as much or the characters, but I’m not going too. The cover of this book pretty much tells you what you’ll find in this book and then some. This is the book I’ll read, but I won’t fully talk about every little thing. I’m still trying to figure out what I just read myself. One thing about the characters though, for a porn, they were developed and interesting.

    To end this review, I’ll state that this is one book that won’t be leaving my mind anytime soon. Marquis de Sade is one of the most dangerous and interesting authors, I’ve read. Will I read his other books? I’m not even sure. I just might. Not any time soon. De Sade is someone you read once and you still hesitate to read anything else by him.

    Forgot to add that I give major props for Penguin to publish this and to use that cover too. Love they aren't afraid to publish stuff like this and make it affordable too. My only criticism with this edition is there are no notes or footnotes when needed. It would have been helpful at times. Nevertheless, the cover is shocking, but I like the art.

Aperçu du livre

La Philosophie dans le boudoir ou Les Instituteurs immoraux - Marquis de Sade

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