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Cri D'amour
Cri D'amour
Cri D'amour
Livre électronique81 pages19 minutes

Cri D'amour

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Having started a journey to go in search for love this young thinker has found and conquered the love he has dreamt for. Then, with the inspiration from his early frolics in love and the observations of his immediate environment and elsewhere, he decided to embark on poetry and ended up the words of this collection entitled Shout for love.

This collection expresses with obviously true reality lived by the individuals of all ages (who can express and share it) in search of love. Some have found eternal love, others got caught. Be that as it may love still exists and blessed be the heart in which it abides.

Hoping that the following work represents the beginning of a long career of a poet to be.
ÉditeurXlibris US
Date de sortie8 août 2013
Cri D'amour

James Milard

James Milard was born in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, a warm and entertaining city and grew in a district where love and passion left their marks on my adolescence, they said, that I was passionate by the daily life’s charm and bitterness that let me understand that love can make a difference. At that time, poetry symbolised? A shelter where I could express on the one hand my anxiety,? On the other hand, my confusion before the hatred, jealousy and infidelity…, on the other hand my joy, happiness when love was brought up and also to nurture ?? the hope for a possible change where hatred, fear, violence and war are raging. To the future and present generations, I should say, let’s ‘’Shout for love’’ so that world may live in peace.

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    Cri D'amour - James Milard

    Cri D’Amour

    James Milard

    Copyright © 2013 by James Milard.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 08/12/2013

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    Étoile De Tendresse

    Soleil D’or

    C’était Hier

    C’était Un Matin

    Conversation Amoureuse



    Mon Amour


    Prière D’amour

    Mon Premier Baiser

    Depuis Six Mois

    Une Fête Sans Toi

    Une Lettre D’adieu


    Ton Corps

    Si Je Meurs Demain

    Et Si Nos Routes Ne S’étaient Jamais Croisées…

    Pa Fè-M Fache

    Si Je Pleure

    Ce N’est Pas Comme Ma Plume

    Un Monde Sans Espoir

    La Vie Sous La Nôtre


    Partant à la recherche de l’amour, ce jeune penseur a trouvé et conquis l’amour de ses rêves. Puis, s’inspirant de ses premiers ébats amoureux et des observations faites dans son environnement immédiat et ailleurs, il s’est lancé dans la poésie et a compilé les paroles de ce recueil intitulé ‘‘Cri d’amour’’.

    Celui-ci exprime avec une vérité criante les réalités vécues par des individus de tous âges (qui peuvent l’exprimer et le partager) en quête d’amour. Les uns ont trouvé l’amour éternel, les autres se sont fait prendre. Quoi qu’il en soit, l’amour existe encore et heureux soit le cœur où il y

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