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L'Éducation sentimentale
L'Éducation sentimentale
L'Éducation sentimentale
Livre électronique583 pages24 heures

L'Éducation sentimentale

Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles



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Une édition de référence de L'Éducation sentimentale de Gustave Flaubert, spécialement conçue pour la lecture sur les supports numériques.

— « Adieu, mon ami, mon cher ami ! Je ne vous reverrai jamais ! C'était ma dernière démarche de femme. Mon âme ne vous quittera pas. Que toutes les bénédictions du ciel soient sur vous ! »
Et elle le baisa au front, comme une mère.
Mais elle parut chercher quelque chose, et lui demanda des ciseaux. Elle défit son peigne ; tous ses cheveux blancs tombèrent. Elle s'en coupa, brutalement, à la racine, une longue mèche.

— « Gardez-les ! Adieu ! »

Quand elle fut sortie, Frédéric ouvrit sa fenêtre, Mme Arnoux, sur le trottoir, fit signe d'avancer à un fiacre qui passait. Elle monta dedans. La voiture disparut.

Et ce fut tout.

(Extrait du Chapitre 6 de la Partie III.)
Date de sortie1 janv. 2012
L'Éducation sentimentale

Gustave Flaubert

Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880) was a French novelist who was best known for exploring realism in his work. Hailing from an upper-class family, Flaubert was exposed to literature at an early age. He received a formal education at Lycée Pierre-Corneille, before venturing to Paris to study law. A serious illness forced him to change his career path, reigniting his passion for writing. He completed his first novella, November, in 1842, launching a decade-spanning career. His most notable work, Madame Bovary was published in 1856 and is considered a literary masterpiece.

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Évaluation : 3.84026468147448 sur 5 étoiles

529 notations9 avis

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  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    Oh how I loved this book. I also love how the reviews here show that people just don't get it.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    Say what you will about Woody Allen, he was right to recommend 'Sentimental Education' as one of the greatest pieces of literature the world has ever produced. In this masterpiece Flaubert has managed to assemble all of the great tropes of French literature - the naivete of youth, passion, mistresses, financial despair, death and disease, and, of course, revolution.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    1002 Sentimental Education, by Gustave Flaubert translated by Anthony Goldsmith (read 14 Mar 1969) A story of exasperating people who act so contrary to anything sensible, I was nevertheless tremendously moved by it for reasons hard to state. The style, at least in translation, is jerky--but fast-moving. Laid in France in the 1840's and up to 1851, it has as background the reign of Louis Phillippe, the revolution of 1848, etc. Frederick Moreau (no hero to me) falls in love with Madame Arnoux, and so takes after, naturally, Rossamette, Mme. Dumbreuse, etc. Mme. Arnoux is the unattainable. The plot is about that--no more. But so--what more plot was there to Roger Martin du Gard?
  • Évaluation : 2 sur 5 étoiles
    You can see the birth of the postmodern in this book. You could probably trace a direct line somehow - a literary genealogy of sorts, from this book to Zadie Smith's On Beauty, for instance. Everything planned by everyone in it turns out to be sadly futile, in the end. Real lives may at times be like that. Literature should not be. I understand that this book wasn't nearly as popular in Flaubert's time as Madame Bovary, and I see why. Emma Bovary may have come to a sad end, but nobody can say she didn't try. If nothing else, she had spirit. Frederic, the protagonist of this book - well, there's a line in an old song by Kirsty MacColl and the Pogues, "I could have been someone," the singer says, and Kirsty replies, "Well, so could anyone." It's what you'd like to tell Frederic. There were a thousand roads he could've taken at any point. If he'd only bothered to venture down any one of them, he could've been someone. The story of a life wasted does not make for an entertaining read.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    Vooral stilistisch (sober, trefzeker) heel knap portret van de revolutionaire sfeer, midden 19de eeuw. Eigenlijk een Bildungsroman van een mislukte jongeling. Zeer negatieve levensvisie.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    I really enjoyed this novel for the most part. I enjoy the French romantic phrasing. Flaubert creates a truly remarkable character in Frederique, a young man who exemplifies all that it terrible about the upper class, and he must live with the consequences of his actions. The primary themes of the book include: true love, passion, idealism, betrayal, egocentrism of both men and women, manipulation, dishonesty......all the great makings of a wonderful novel. The only negative to me is that the love, confusion, betrayal cycle is repeated a bit much which belabors the point.. The "sentimental educaiton" is not learned until late in adulthood, what a pity!
  • Évaluation : 1 sur 5 étoiles
    What is it about Flaubert? He writes novels drawing on his amoral life. This appeals to some who call this a great, influential novel - among the "some" were contemporary French authors of similar lifestyles. I found this book tedious.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    A young man and his lifelong love for an older, married woman. Depicts the social depravity of a certain class of men in France in the late 1800s.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    Protagonist Frédéric Moreau becomes infatuated with an older married woman, Marie Arnoux. Moreau is shallow, self-absorbed, and indecisive. Unable to court Madame Arnoux, he forms relationships with three other women (a mistress, a country girl, and a woman of social standing) but has trouble with commitment. He flits from one to another, always returning to his obsession with Madame Arnoux. He cannot decide on a career, vacillating between writer, painter, poet, politician, and lawyer. He is lucky in inheriting money but finds many ways to squander it. He is always searching for love but rarely finding it.

    While Flaubert’s characters are not particularly likeable, with a few exceptions, they are believable. Flaubert indicts the moral vacuity of these characters. He infuses the narrative with a strong sense of irony. Published in 1869 and set in France in the 1840s, it covers a turbulent time in French history when events led to the abdication of Louis-Philippe, rise of the Second Republic, and rule by Napoleon III. Unlike many 19th century novels, the prose is not overly elaborate. I am always looking for opportunities to read about period history from those who lived it. I found it surprisingly relevant to today’s world.

    Translated from French by Douglas Parmee
    Narration by Jonathan Fried

Aperçu du livre

L'Éducation sentimentale - Gustave Flaubert

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