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Testament d'un patriote execute
Testament d'un patriote execute
Testament d'un patriote execute
Livre électronique439 pages9 heures

Testament d'un patriote execute

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Sur l'invitation de son cousin Charlemagne, Benedict quitte Ndobo, son village natal au Mayuka, pour Touri dans l'Etat voisin de Jangaland. Mayuka est une colonie anglaise o son arri re-grand-p re, Bante, roi de l'ethnie Magwa, s' tait exil . Bante avait quitt Jangaland pr cipitamment parce que les autorit s coloniales taient ses trousses. On le soup onnait d' tre l'origine d'un meurtre et aussi d' tre la t te d'une r sistance la colonisation fran aise. Benedict prosp re Touri. Il tombe amoureux d'une jolie demoiselle du nom de Brigitte ; mais il a un rival, le cuisinier d'un commer ant fran ais. Brigitte doit choisir entre Benedict et le cuisinier. Elle jette son d volu sur Benedict. De l va na tre une mouvante aventure qui m nera Benedict l'avant-plan du champ politique l'aube des mouvements des ind pendances des Etats africains. Un p riple parsem d'embuches au cours duquel le jeune Benedict ira jusqu'au sacrifice supr me, au nom de la justice et de l'Egalite pour les siens. Cette uvre expose l'ali nation culturelle, le manque de patriotisme et l'hypocrisie des puissances coloniales, bref, le n o-colonialisme. Ce dernier lui seul explique la mauvaise gestion du patrimoine national, l'effondrement conomique, l'instabilit politique, les crises sociales, l'implosion de nombreux tats avec pour cons quence l'afflux des r fugi s africains en Occident. Cette uvre tient toute sa pertinence du fait que les sujets y trait s demeurent actuels.
ÉditeurLangaa RPCIG
Date de sortie4 janv. 2021
Testament d'un patriote execute

Thomas Jing

Thomas Jing is a translator, a writer, a teacher, a researcher, a businessman, and a cultural promoter. He holds a PhD in Education from the University of Regina in Canada where he wrote an Afrocentric dissertation on the relevance of African folkdances in North American school setting. Jing was born in Ndop, a district not far from Bamenda in Cameroon. He attended Government Primary School Bamunka and Sacred Heart College Mankon before heading to CCAS Kumba where he obtained his Advanced Level Certificate. He enrolled in the Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences at the University of Yaounde where he graduated three years later with a B. A. in History. He was hired by the Ministry of National Education as French language and History teacher and sent to Government Secondary School Nyasoso in the South West. A year later, he wrote and passed the government competitive examination in translation organized by the Presidency of the Republic and received scholarship to study at the University of Montreal in Canada. After obtaining an M.A. in Translation, he returned to Cameroon in 1989 where he worked with the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries. In 1996, he left Cameroon for South Africa where he worked with the Jesuit Refugee Services as well as some South African Human Rights Organizations. He currently lives in Regina, the administrative capital of Saskatchewan. He published his first novel Tale of an African Woman with Langaa in 2007. Testament d’un patriote execute is his second novel, but the very first one written in French.

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