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Livre électronique170 pages1 heure


Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique

Une édition de référence de Honorine d’Honoré de Balzac, spécialement conçue pour la lecture sur les supports numériques.
« Mon père avait une pupille, riche, belle et âgée de seize ans, au moment où je revins du collège dans ce vieil hôtel. Élevée par ma mère, Honorine s’éveillait alors à la vie. Pleine de grâces et d’enfantillage, elle rêvait le bonheur comme elle eût rêvé d’une parure, et peut-être le bonheur était-il pour elle la parure de l’âme ? Sa piété n’allait pas sans des joies puériles, car tout, même la religion, était une poésie pour ce cœur ingénu. Elle entrevoyait son avenir comme une fête perpétuelle. Innocente et pure, aucun délire n’avait troublé son sommeil. La honte et le chagrin n’avaient jamais altéré sa joue ni mouillé ses regards. Elle ne cherchait même pas le secret de ses émotions involontaires par un beau jour de printemps. Enfin, elle se sentait faible, destinée à l’obéissance, et attendait le mariage sans le désirer. » (Extrait du chapitre XVII)

Date de sortie1 janv. 2012

Honoré de Balzac

Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist, short story writer, and playwright. Regarded as one of the key figures of French and European literature, Balzac’s realist approach to writing would influence Charles Dickens, Émile Zola, Henry James, Gustave Flaubert, and Karl Marx. With a precocious attitude and fierce intellect, Balzac struggled first in school and then in business before dedicating himself to the pursuit of writing as both an art and a profession. His distinctly industrious work routine—he spent hours each day writing furiously by hand and made extensive edits during the publication process—led to a prodigious output of dozens of novels, stories, plays, and novellas. La Comédie humaine, Balzac’s most famous work, is a sequence of 91 finished and 46 unfinished stories, novels, and essays with which he attempted to realistically and exhaustively portray every aspect of French society during the early-nineteenth century.

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Évaluation : 3.870365925925926 sur 5 étoiles

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  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    A set of light, fun short stories about love. Done in an imitation of Rabelais' style. Intricate wordplay and innuendo about love. A lot is lost in translation, but some of the simple lewd humor shines through.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    These are some stories translated from Old French to English about life in Tourraine, France, in the 16th century... mostly as it related to scandals involving sex, elopements, drama in royal/noble families, drama @ French & English court, and/or adultery. Pretty shocking what Honoré de Balzac actually comes out and says, cloaking the scandalous parts of stories with amusing metaphors that are only too easy to guess. Here's a passage out of his short story "The Reproach," just to give you a taste:"The sweet wench and her well-beloved were busy trying to catch, in a certain lake that you probably know, the little bird that never stays in it, and they were laughing and trying, and still laughing" (183).The translation sometimes makes it difficult to understand the more subtle references, unfortunately. I'm sure it would be doubly hilarious in its original French. Still, I'm pleased that this text was translated at all. It certainly does give one a good idea of what people were like back then, 5-600 years ago. According to the translator's intro, they all appreciated a good, crude joke. If you can, too, then you'll enjoy Balzac's Droll Stories.