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The Chesthire Cat Story: Fascinating Stories
The Chesthire Cat Story: Fascinating Stories
The Chesthire Cat Story: Fascinating Stories
Livre électronique138 pages1 heure

The Chesthire Cat Story: Fascinating Stories

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The flying Mr potato and fascinating melted stories. Cyber punks and anomalies.
The hell of the bookshelf, this story about a monster mi-humain biohacked some part of the tchernobyl quarks in your garden.
This Mister potato is a thing haunting the garden. This thing is human small, looks like a potato, speaks clearly and is really clever. He wanted to follow the courses of the art school and the director said no even with a 18 in plastic arts. This was for him a big deception.
Date de sortie5 mai 2020
The Chesthire Cat Story: Fascinating Stories

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    The Chesthire Cat Story - Audrey Pierrot


    Cyber punks and Anomalies

    Unsubmerged punk core melted stories.

    the hell of the bookshelf, this story about a monster mi-human biohacked some part of the Chernobyl quarks in your garden.

    This Mister potato is a thing haunting the garden. This thing is human small, looks like a potato, speaks clearly and is really clever. He wanted to follow the courses of the art school and the director said no even with a 18 in plastic arts. This was for him a big deception. An the Mr Potato went back home after a small interview with me advising him to do the art marked of the town, the sunday morning Clermont-Ferrand art market.

    Someone there again to destroy an Habitrail the hamster’s houses this same hamster living near a bed and damn noising the sleep every night. This film is done by dead viewers about acid techno. I would better drink some tea its better get the kettle near. The smallest fridge sent by the postals by the state paid sadics did a film a shit delivery about the smallest packages on earth with the smallest letter boxes. Because that: they wanted o kill a roof. Like a Russian UFO and stay in a place where everybody sucks. Marie jo was loving Pink Floyd and dire straits and Chuck Norris. Wanting to build the museum of murder on it. But that’s not a reason to teleport seeds to their’s damn homes. Like this brutal accident of Riordan this singer of the group The cranberries like woman’s where found in the bathroom in a strange pose with the problem of the easy hair freaking out. With’s the poetry of an art school sending deab babies vaporating a black smoke. One bitching and pestling the other one not caring the third one stinking a lot. Completely pranking in a way.

    3000 Times in a row.

    E don’t tolerate to be art and films stolen to do a porn with the piss of heroes.

    That this one was a sicav money fucker biaising everyone on a due.

    The Tristan mother operated witout the symptoms. With a hole in the throat they think people are happier. Those totatek the totakoteck and the coca koten and the cocacoteck and the kopetcheck are managing a sale of video game looking like fools in the bank. The tostack the toastock is still in happy cash rutilating a collection of fools haunting an address book.

    Blurry foggy the descriptive of explosives carrying a dead tiny body to explode her in a career joking a bad joke done with stolen genetic material.

    Call me a lunatic it begins with a racoon in the lands of the cold lakes with twists and caves and funny things to eat digest and joke. Like a bowl of gummy bears. Founds out like real ones on the border of the roads menacing human families making a hero piss his pants. Course it now there where it s just hot as hell. with aches. The skod is broken. And the money takes three month to come alone and going on the ads of atmosphere killers.

    About the pic nic he vomitted two times in two different places of the garden stomac ached by a say unappropriate. To write in the book but not now. Vomit frontwards and backwards.

    Looking like a throw back we stayed in Switzerland for six month and that what the museum of the hologery.

    In aerials so up tight you can sleep an intellectual effort and its called cool but in fact its plants addiction for feeling a shit a normal state.

    Someone reading selling that total means glue something but its not the same word it means tota. It means stick mentally in aerotics.

    Dropping things to the bin we fount an attache case of ten tousant dollars liquids freshly out of the bank with guns and only a hero can do such a thing in case the bin.

    In the collection of yellow things a banana a website a headset and an umbrella banana like damn playing impossible games with pirates of the background emerging a berg of shitty games out of the fabric factory.

    Rereaded and exploded not corrected this shi-was is a bestseller to resell for girls to build their own cream to stay young without efforts.

    Chemistry the path are stocked repartited in between pharmacy’s and internet an only a pirate can build them in the kitchen sound of the kitchen.

    The ads with the ghosts and the normal proper clean sex really sucks and nobody is making an effort to solve this cohability solution because normal plugs with a muddy add on damn sucks and someone tell you by experience that when it no it no and unrespectables trying to do it anyway damn stinks. Enduring a bad move its worse than a trauma. Its the fault of holes in the real estate that the sex sucks.

    Widdeling and twiddleling THAT Kind of comportement.

    With the telephone listenners that’s not easy to keep a privatee life. Like yelling everyone she sees two guys!

    Dont kill youselves dirty pecnauds these stylished rich of not they damn stink and they are in majority even killing the beauty boys by fakes the dead in planes and jumpped.

    Respecting real America that was my first four years on earth and there is proofed and experienced that the format right up there is better.

    The roturial story of the twenty more years in France damn stinks a caste made of Gak.

    The puppetsquad and shit on the nose damn tells that microbus stayed six month in a small maths school where it stays a damn bumper for microelectronics.

    Redounding on micro re-emerged ten years later on a letter of the electronic microscope and the microphones on two pictures of the accarians collection one carrying bastard bacterial the other one doing the sea star stuck and nobody to unstuck that shit.

    Poped out without the anti virus out of the stone the krill has been murdered by a bastard basket sole. And it was a naquarium the agate wit reproduces krill insiders eating their bodies for more than one thousand years.

    This one died on the floor of an internet repartited office looking like searchers with no precise goals.

    Meli is the most beautiful girl of the classroom advertising a foggy copy of the rebellion insurged by an accident of the bathroom where someone died and a still alive for books writing ad about back sitters. The best way to pay off a French teacher because of some bad notes.

    Like Iron man on his first year in the French school got very bad notes in English even if he where an American native wandering his best matter.

    Justiceless of people making notes on the head got the same problem with a fucker teacher in techno got 6 because I did an internship in micropezzoelectronics on the quartz and didn’t add my name on the copy made in the train and that was an internship of the office sending molly to the molesters. Because of the white room for microelectronics and its normal in a factory where in citizenship it sucks.

    Micro electronics are quite complicated. They are processes and white zones where not to enter without being hooved. With the micro particuls removal.

    Got a black pudding after a day off where I should have stayed lessoning to the wangle.

    I was proud not to be in the double digits just because of succession cases and suck our cocks thank potako thanks for the pokako and the poper jams thanks for bad taste tacos.

    Cant shoot annother damn ties I have none to breath normally like a coloured damn Reddit of the little cons of the agency.

    Pirating Gameloft Ubisoft and aerobics of just dance. This kind of action damn moves the desk.

    this console damn cat sited well educated is a perfect shit owner really saving a response to an entire shit of the uneducated maroon glue the pinkers of crazy ones.

    What they do shit on positives vibes and cams is absolutely disgusting these creepy shits of the darkness damn sodomisating a media to suck and destroy someone cool and normal.

    On the way of a broken feather is should have waked up sooner because later its often too late except in some good old french when doom destroyed your compatibility computer. And soda like laposte>net is damn out of his account because of a destroyed password of la Poste.

    Basting words. To play a game 100 percent Japanese. Where I am shitted in the country of the turning hamsters and the caprioca shitting the right leg. The solution is to pump an inflatable mastress to finish this sad story. Where Britney paints strange sticked flowers looking like grey stoneflowers to offer it the canvas to a gaz buisnessman older than your grandma. The URC of the UFO village is IAN UAEN TCAES2091348 sor of.

    And Teri-Ann the advocate done with an avocado out of drugs but drunk enough because of bad movers’s unwanted movements.

    And the mud articulating a shit with moneys tah.

    Teri-Anne the drone pilot.

    Because of the shits of authentics buggued. By muds an majorities.

    Advertising honestly that her mother lost her boyfriend in the war of waxing grounds war of.

    where send a pack or a parcel with someone in is a sor of trojan.

    With this components: advances from the offices.

    Put a short on and

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