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Livre électronique81 pages45 minutes


Évaluation : 3.5 sur 5 étoiles



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L’acte d’amour fige le visage en une expression indéfinissable, d’une exceptionnelle intensité. Chaque femme, chaque homme connaît alors un instant de bonheur absolu, qui s’inscrit dans ses yeux, sur ses lèvres. Une onde de plaisir vient ponctuer la transformation du désir en orgasme. Dans ces moments, où la violence des sens s’exprime, une personne nouvelle apparaît au regard de l’autre. A l’aide de gravures anciennes, l’auteur, Hans-Jürgen Döpp traque l’explication du mystère qui mène à la plénitude.
Date de sortie15 juil. 2019

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Évaluation : 3.4 sur 5 étoiles

5 notations2 avis

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  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    This is one of a series of medium-length essays written by Döpp and later published by Parkstone Press in larger format, under the title 'Erotic Fantasy' (2006). Each essay is copiously (and gloriously) illustrated in excellent colour with examples of erotic art which complement the writing, actually overtaking the words in the conveyance of the message. The volume entitled 'Ecstasy' paints its subject broadly, covering a considerable compass of the ecstatic experience of erotic involvement. The series itself is an excellent contribution to the understanding of erotic art, and this particular volume is well up to the standard set. Overall, Döpp adds considerably to the study of erotica.
  • Évaluation : 2 sur 5 étoiles
    Not my thing; a survey of various european philosopher's views of what beauty is, and of course by beauty they mean sexualized beauty. It's mostly about form. It's mostly about white beauty; to the author's credit, there are some Indian and Japanese paintings included.

    Might make a nice coffee-table book and might be interesting to classic art historians or people who like big sexualized words with a peppering of french terminology.

Aperçu du livre

L’extase - Hans-Jürgen Döpp

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