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Clyde Inuit adaptation and ecology :the organization of subsistence
Clyde Inuit adaptation and ecology :the organization of subsistence
Clyde Inuit adaptation and ecology :the organization of subsistence
Livre électronique158 pages19 heures

Clyde Inuit adaptation and ecology :the organization of subsistence

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This monograph examines the position of Inuit kinship and its associated behavioural concomitants as they effect the patterning of Inuit ecological relations. It demonstrates the role such features, functioning as one component within the cultural ecological system, play in organizing and maintaining the observed pattern of man-land interactions.
Date de sortie1 janv. 1981
Clyde Inuit adaptation and ecology :the organization of subsistence

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    Clyde Inuit adaptation and ecology :the organization of subsistence - George W. Wenzel

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