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Chapeau! Félix
Chapeau! Félix
Chapeau! Félix
Livre audio28 minutes

Chapeau! Félix

Écrit par Felix Leclerc

Raconté par The Secret Mountain

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À propos de ce livre audio

The songs of an iconic French–Canadian singer reimagined through illustrations and musical performance. Inspired by a short animated film produced in 1989 by the National Film Board of Canada, which featured legendary poet and songwriter Félix Leclerc performing a moving interpretation of the traditional French children’s song “Cadet Rousselle,” this work is admirably brought to life by one of Canada’s distinguished painters, Jean Dallaire. The featured album includes 10 touching renditions of several well-known Leclerc songs performed by young female vocalists, including DobaCaracol, Catherine Durand, Jorane, and Mara Tremblay.
Date de sortie1 avr. 2014
Chapeau! Félix

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