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100 citations de Mark Twain: unabridged
100 citations de Mark Twain: unabridged
100 citations de Mark Twain: unabridged
Livre audio23 minutes

100 citations de Mark Twain: unabridged

Écrit par Mark Twain

Raconté par Patrick Martinez-Bournat

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


À propos de ce livre audio

Plongez dans la sagesse des âges avec ce livre audio de citations. De la poésie à la politique, de l'amour à l'humour, de la philosophie à l'inspiration. Laissez-vous inspirer et divertir lors de vos déplacements et laissez le pouvoir des mots enrichir votre journée. Ce livre s'appelle 100 citations de Mark Twain.

ÉditeurSAGA Egmont
Date de sortie9 juin 2022
100 citations de Mark Twain: unabridged

Mark Twain

Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born in Missouri in 1835, the son of a lawyer. Early in his childhood, the family moved to Hannibal, Missouri – a town which would provide the inspiration for St Petersburg in Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. After a period spent as a travelling printer, Clemens became a river pilot on the Mississippi: a time he would look back upon as his happiest. When he turned to writing in his thirties, he adopted the pseudonym Mark Twain ('Mark Twain' is the cry of a Mississippi boatman taking depth measurements, and means 'two fathoms'), and a number of highly successful publications followed, including The Prince and the Pauper (1882), Huckleberry Finn (1884) and A Connecticut Yankee (1889). His later life, however, was marked by personal tragedy and sadness, as well as financial difficulty. In 1894, several businesses in which he had invested failed, and he was declared bankrupt. Over the next fifteen years – during which he managed to regain some measure of financial independence – he saw the deaths of two of his beloved daughters, and his wife. Increasingly bitter and depressed, Twain died in 1910, aged seventy-five.

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