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Comte de Monte-Cristo
Comte de Monte-Cristo
Comte de Monte-Cristo
Livre audio51 heures

Comte de Monte-Cristo

Écrit par Alexandre Dumas

Raconté par LibriVox Community

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À propos de ce livre audio

Edmond Dantès, a young seaman with a promising future, is arrested at his wedding ceremony under calomnious charges, and locked up in the Chateau d'If for 14 years. During this time, he secretly meets another detainee, l'Abbé Faria, an erudite believed to be insane, who becomes his friend and teacher, and who, upon his death, gives Edmond the secret to a hidden treasure.

Dantès then manages to escape, almost drowning in the process, and is believed by all to be dead. With the knowledge and the treasure transmitted by l'abbé Faria, and his own wish for revenge, Edmond Dantès plots the downfall of his enemies under the identity of the Count of Monte-Cristo.

Summary by Jc Guan.

Date de sortie25 août 2014

Alexandre Dumas

Frequently imitated but rarely surpassed, Dumas is one of the best known French writers and a master of ripping yarns full of fearless heroes, poisonous ladies and swashbuckling adventurers. his other novels include The Three Musketeers and The Man in the Iron Mask, which have sold millions of copies and been made into countless TV and film adaptions.

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