

A 600g chair, capable of supporting an 80kg person, foldable, with a structure halfway between lace and organic intertwining: at the last Milan Design Week, the Tamu chair prototype created a shock wave in the design sphere. The result of a collaboration between Anne Asensio’s teams (Vice President, Design Experience & Innovation at Dassault Systèmes) and designer Patrick Jouin, beyond its unique aesthetic, it embodied new collaborative principles enabled by working via a virtual platform (the 3D EXPERIENCE at Dassault Systèmes) and by an in-depth dialogue, integral to the tool.


From 3D modelling to additive manufacturing, digital tools are part of the daily life of designers. While they save time by the previsualizations made possible, they also provide a degree of precision in the design, which aims at the most accurate drawing of parts. For example, when designing wooden furniture, with current machining technologies, ultraprecise and ultra-solid assemblies can be made. According to Patrick Jouin, «before, wood was almost overused in part design, with sections too large to have a joining surface that was sufficient to resist. Now we can reduce the sections, and make lighter parts, so with less material, and we are more ecological. And when modelling is combined with additive manufacturing, we

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