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Hollywood Hearts (Edition Francaise)
Hollywood Hearts (Edition Francaise)
Hollywood Hearts (Edition Francaise)
Série de livres électroniques0 titre

Hollywood Hearts (Edition Francaise)

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À propos de cette série

Dorrie Rodgers a laissé trois hommes à New York quand elle a déménagé à L.A. pour danser le rôle principal dans un film. Sa vie est devenue comblée quand elle s'est fiancée avec un puissant réalisateur.

Mais un accident a mis fin à sa carrière et à son mariage imminent. Après trois années de galère, Dorrie est engagée pour chorégraphier un film. Voulant partager sa joie à cette chance fabuleuse de ressusciter sa carrière, elle est déterminée à mettre fin à son statut de célibataire.

Va-t-elle trouver le bon homme? Est-ce sa dernière chance pour l'amour?

Date de sortie18 mai 2018
Hollywood Hearts (Edition Francaise)
Hollywood Hearts (Edition Francaise)
Hollywood Hearts (Edition Francaise)

Jean C. Joachim

¬¬¬ Jean Joachim is a best-selling romance fiction author, with books hitting the Amazon Top 100 list since 2012. She writes mostly contemporary romance, which includes sports romance and romantic suspense. Dangerous Love Lost & Found, First Place winner in the 2015 Oklahoma Romance Writers of America, International Digital Award contest. The Renovated Heart won Best Novel of the Year from Love Romances Café. Lovers & Liars was a RomCon finalist in 2013. And The Marriage List tied for third place as Best Contemporary Romance from the Gulf Coast RWA. To Love or Not to Love tied for second place in the 2014 New England Chapter of Romance Writers of America Reader’s Choice contest. She was chosen Author of the Year in 2012 by the New York City chapter of RWA. Married and the mother of two sons, Jean lives in New York City. Early in the morning, you’ll find her at her computer, writing, with a cup of tea, her rescued pug, Homer, by her side and a secret stash of black licorice. Jean has 30+ books, novellas and short stories published. Find them here: http://www.jeanjoachimbooks.com. Sign up for her newsletter, on her website, and be eligible for her private paperback sales. here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jean-Joachim-Author/221092234568929?sk=app_100265896690345

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