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My Bilingual Book–Smell (English–French)
My Bilingual Book–Smell (English–French)
My Bilingual Book–Smell (English–French)
Livre électronique23 pages2 minutes

My Bilingual Book–Smell (English–French)

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


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À propos de ce livre électronique

Ideal for helping preschool-age children discover a foreign language, this playful and educational series of bilingual books combines rhyming text with colorful illustrations. Each page spread includes the text in both English and the second language in clear, bold print. Suitable for children on their own or in groups, these books are an entertaining way for children to build their language skills. The nose is the focus of this bilingual book about the sense of smell.
Date de sortie26 avr. 2023
My Bilingual Book–Smell (English–French)

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    My Bilingual Book–Smell (English–French) - Milet Publishing

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