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Vaccines Explained (French-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore Series
Vaccines Explained (French-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore Series
Vaccines Explained (French-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore Series
Livre électronique28 pages4 minutes

Vaccines Explained (French-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore Series

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


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À propos de ce livre électronique

"This book is a great learning resource to help increase medical knowledge and decrease fear in all communities during a public health crisis."
J. Basini MPH., Health Education Teacher


Vaccines Explained describes how vaccines work, their history, and why they are important. Simple text and colorful, multicultural illustrations make this book perfect for readers of all ages. The book comes with audio, a lesson plan with extension activities, and resource links to support teaching in diverse classrooms. This book is available in English-only and in bilingual editions in Spanish, English, Chinese, and many other languages.


Vaccines Explained is part of the Language Lizard Explore Series which helps readers discover the world around them.

Date de sortie11 juil. 2022
Vaccines Explained (French-English): Language Lizard Bilingual Explore Series

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    Vaccines Explained (French-English) - Ohemaa Boahemaa

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