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Scheming Virtuously: The Road to Collaborative Governance
Scheming Virtuously: The Road to Collaborative Governance
Scheming Virtuously: The Road to Collaborative Governance
Livre électronique300 pages6 heures

Scheming Virtuously: The Road to Collaborative Governance

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Scheming Virtuously: The Road to Collaborative Governance is an invitation to subversion, but also a somewhat personal account of the displacement of the dominant governing regime (Big-G centralized government) by small-g collaborative governance, in a world where power, resources, and information are widely distributed. In this new world, the citizen’s burden of office is clear: to be a producer of governance. Scheming virtuously is the order of the day—active engagement, imaginative problem-reframing, astute organizational design, and effective action within the bounds of the appreciative systems in good currency and beyond.
Date de sortie10 août 2022
Scheming Virtuously: The Road to Collaborative Governance

Gilles Paquet

Gilles Paquet (1936–2019), O.C., MRSC, was Professor Emeritus at the Telfer School of Management and a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre on Governance of the University of Ottawa. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the Royal Society of Arts of London, and served as President of the Royal Society of Canada (2003–2005). He studied at Laval, Queen's (Canada) and at the University of California (Los Angeles) where he was Postdoctoral Fellow in Economics. He taught at Carleton University for almost 20 years before joining the University of Ottawa in 1981. He received honorary doctorates from Queen's, Laval, and Thompson Rivers University, received the Public Service Citation Award of APEX, and was made Honorary Member of l'Association des économistes québécois. He was made Member of the Order of Canada in 1992.

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