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Irregular Governance: A Plea for Bold Organizational Experimentation
Irregular Governance: A Plea for Bold Organizational Experimentation
Irregular Governance: A Plea for Bold Organizational Experimentation
Livre électronique185 pages3 heures

Irregular Governance: A Plea for Bold Organizational Experimentation

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À propos de ce livre électronique

A Plea for Bold Organizational Experimentation. The eighth book in the Collaborative Metagovernance series is an irreverent challenge to administrative conservatorship, and a case for bold organizational experimentation. It makes the case for effective new actors, new structural forms and new social technologies, while showing the perils of ill-conceived contraptions like super-bureaucracies, single-purpose agencies and failure to pay due attention to good management.

This series of books is designed to define cumulatively the contours of collaborative decentered metagovernance. At this time, there is still no canonical version of this paradigm: it is en émergence. This series intends to be one of many construction sites to experiment with various dimensions of an effective and practical version of this new approach.

Metagovernance is the art of combining different forms or styles of governance, experimented with in the private, public and social sectors, to ensure effective coordination when power, resources and information are widely distributed, and the governing is of necessity decentred and collaborative.

Date de sortie10 août 2022
Irregular Governance: A Plea for Bold Organizational Experimentation

Ruth Hubbard

Ruth Hubbard is Senior Research Fellow at the Centre on Governance of the University of Ottawa. She served for more than a decade as a federal deputy minister in the Government of Canada.

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