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Probing the Bureaucratic Mind: About Canadian Federal Executives
Probing the Bureaucratic Mind: About Canadian Federal Executives
Probing the Bureaucratic Mind: About Canadian Federal Executives
Livre électronique109 pages3 heures

Probing the Bureaucratic Mind: About Canadian Federal Executives

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À propos de ce livre électronique

This book explores the thinking of Canadian federal public service senior executives through conversations. The transformation of the environment and of the institutional order has created quite a challenge: maintaining some sort of adequacy between these evolving realities and the frames of reference in use by public sector executives. Complexity is often nothing more than a name for a new order calling for a new frame of reference, and the reluctance to abandon old conceptual frameworks is often responsible for fundamental learning disabilities.

Through a series of conversations with Canadian federal senior executives about more and more daunting problems - from coping with an evolving context, to engaging intelligently with a new modus operandi, to trying to nudge and tweak programs in order to correct toxic pathologies, to reframing perceptions and redesigning organizations to meet the new challenges—weaknesses of the capabilities of the Canadian federal executives to respond to current challenges were revealed, and suggestions made about ways to kick start a process of refurbishment of these capabilities.

Date de sortie10 août 2022
Probing the Bureaucratic Mind: About Canadian Federal Executives

Ruth Hubbard

Ruth Hubbard is Senior Research Fellow at the Centre on Governance of the University of Ottawa. She served for more than a decade as a federal deputy minister in the Government of Canada.

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    Probing the Bureaucratic Mind - Ruth Hubbard

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