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Ubu Roi
Ubu Roi
Ubu Roi
Livre électronique103 pages1 heure

Ubu Roi

Évaluation : 3.5 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique

Le seul nom d'Ubu a fait davantage pour rendre célebre Alfred Jarry que tout l'ensemble de son oeuvre. C'est une piece mythique.

Ubu est l'officier de confiance de Venceslas, roi de Pologne. Pleine d'ambition, la mere Ubu lui suggere de tuer le roi et de prendre le pouvoir. Ubu reçoit des invités a dîner et leur donne de la «merdre» a manger...

Texte de l'édition de la Reine Blanche, 1900

Date de sortie29 juin 2015
Ubu Roi

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Évaluation : 3.5213414237804876 sur 5 étoiles

164 notations5 avis

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  • Évaluation : 2 sur 5 étoiles
    Ubu roi is first and foremost a piece of theater and thus is better seen in performance than read. I first heard of this play during a lecture by Jean Baudrillard at Columbia back in 2005. Baudrillard claimed to be a pataphysician, a "philosophy" that he traced back to Alfred Jarry's Ubu roi. I don't claim to even now have a firm grasp of exactly what pataphysics "means" (neither Baudrillard nor Ubu roi were (are) particularly illuminating on the subject) other than that it purports to be the "science of imaginary solutions" and parodies the theory and methods of modern science. What this has to do with Ubu roi itself is a bit mystifying, other than that both philosophy and play are "expressed in nonsensical language."
    In any case, I first read the play when the folio edition accidentally came my way (I believe a friend's son had read it in a French class). Accident, absurdity and contradiction are intrinsic both to the philosophy and the play, so my accidental reading of it was in synch with the work itself. In December 2008 a local experimental theater group in Santa Rosa, The Imaginists, staged Ubu Roi in their converted storefront theater. I attended and must admit that the play is quite entertaining as theater, since it incorporates masks, puppets, and all manner of slapstick and buffoonery. And so, of course, I had to re-read the play after seeing it performed. I had the same reaction to the play as text on a second reading that I had on the first. The play is billed (and blurbed) as having become "a universal symbol of the absurdity of power, despotism and cruelty." In short, an updated version of the old tale of the Emperor Who Has No Clothes. Nothing too revolutionary but fun to watch when performed by a talented crew such as The Imaginists. Leave the book on the shelf and get thee to the theater would be my advice.
  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    Silly, but I had to finally read it.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    At a time when everything seems absurd, this play casts a shining light on society and government. As long as systems of government are corrupt this, this play will have meaning.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    This classic work of absurdist theater is the story of Pere Ubu, a monstrous, cowardly caricature of middle-class values who murders and devours his way into ruling Poland. The New Directions edition presents the play in a handwritten form covered in illustrations. This creates interesting art document, but makes some passages needlessly difficult to comprehend.
  • Évaluation : 2 sur 5 étoiles
    Although Ubu Roi is a breath of fresh air away from the realism and naturalism of most 19th century dramatic literature, I found I couldn't read it as a straight play. I need a director's touch, a visual element of some sort, to stay connected to the piece. Without it, I found myself bored to tears within the first thirty pages, as it travels so heavily over the ground it's already covered.

Aperçu du livre

Ubu Roi - Alfred Jarry

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