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Les Loups gris à la chasse: (Timberwolf Hunt)
Les Loups gris à la chasse: (Timberwolf Hunt)
Les Loups gris à la chasse: (Timberwolf Hunt)
Livre électronique60 pages27 minutes

Les Loups gris à la chasse: (Timberwolf Hunt)

Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique

Lorsqu'un nouvel entraîneur arrive, l'équipe des Loups gris à Gaston hérite aussi de son fils, Eldridge Elwell, mais celui-ci est un très mauvais joueur. L'équipe souhaite plus que tout arriver jusqu'aux séries éliminatoires, mais si Eldridge continue à jouer plus qu'aucun autre joueur, il y a peu d'espoir. Que peut faire Johnny Maverick pour sortir son équipe de cette mauvaise passe?

When the Timberwolves get a new coach, they also get the coach's son. The only problem is that Eldridge Elwell is a terrible hockey player. The team is on the hunt to make the playoffs, and every time Eldridge plays a shift, it hurts the team more. Johnny Maverick is just as angry about it as anyone on the team, until he learns something important about the coach's son.
Date de sortie1 mai 2011
Les Loups gris à la chasse: (Timberwolf Hunt)

Sigmund Brouwer

Sigmund Brouwer is the award-winning author of over 100 books for young readers, with close to 4 million books in print. He has won the Christy Book of the Year and an Arthur Ellis Award, as well as being nominated for two TD Canadian Children’s Literature Awards and the Red Maple Award. For years, Sigmund has captivated students with his Rock & Roll Literacy Show and Story Ninja program during his school visits, reaching up to 80,000 students per year. His many books in the Orca Sports and Orca Currents lines have changed the lives of countless striving readers. Sigmund lives in Red Deer, Alberta.

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  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    The limitless possibilities of imagination.