

ool: «A group of people doing the same work.» Lea Padovani and Sébastien Kieffer seem to embody the Larousse dictionary definition perfectly. This enigmatic name sounds like an obvious way to represent their duo: «From the beginning, we wanted to appear as a single creative entity, that our two names disappear behind the studio name.» Avoid ego to ensure total creative freedom in the long term, set firm milestones for the future and share a common vision of working together. While they have trained extensively in applied arts, it is in the field that they have truly forged their know-how and built their design «capital». In fact, they met at Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance: they were his first collaborators as things took off for the French designer. For six years, they were involved in all his projects, from designing a bottle to setting up a hotel. Very quickly, they learned how to interpret another person’s drawing, how to give volume to a sketch. But also about efficiency, and the balance when dealing with major projects, those on which to communicate, those that keep the agency alive. They learned it

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