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Star-Struck Teenage ALIEN
Jolly Olde Teenage ALIEN
I Was A Teenage ALIEN
Série de livres électroniques3 titres

Teenage ALIEN

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


À propos de cette série

After two disastrous attempts to get back to Zorca-twenty-three, Oas realizes she must take matters into her own hands if they are to survive Earth. The victim of a negative tea leaf reading, the superstitious members of Peach Acid, the rock star friends she's travelling with, force her out onto the cold rainy streets of London, where she must fend for herself and Rotsen.

Luckily she and Rotsen are taken in by a kind playwright where she discovers an amazing revelation about her father and his past connection to Rockhedge Circle—a connection which might help her get back to her home planet.
Date de sortie2 juin 2021
Star-Struck Teenage ALIEN
Jolly Olde Teenage ALIEN
I Was A Teenage ALIEN

Titres dans cette série (3)

  • I Was A Teenage ALIEN


    I Was A Teenage ALIEN
    I Was A Teenage ALIEN

    Oas is sent from her home planet of Zorca-twenty-three to rescue her brother Ralb from the worse humanoid known in the solar system—a teenage girl. With her traveling companions, Rotsen, a plant with an attitude who watches too many Shaprantos reruns and Lehcarr, a Venus Fly Trap with the habit of eating her friends, they set out to find Ralb. Travelling through a black hole, Oas is transformed from her ananoid shape into a teenage humanoid, becoming what she fears most—a teenager. They land in Bedrocktown to find the teenagers aren't as bad as they feared—they're worse. Zen her handler has warned her to stay away from pizza and popcorn but she tries both, with horrible results. She needs to find her brother, figure out how humans kiss, save the town from an E. Coli outbreak and meet Jason Montana, not necessarily in that order. Then all she has to do is find her way home, but are her ties to Earth too strong?

  • Star-Struck Teenage ALIEN


    Star-Struck Teenage ALIEN
    Star-Struck Teenage ALIEN

    Oas, a teenage ALIEN from Zorca-twenty-three finds love and romance on Earth, but thanks to her directionally challenged brother Ralb, instead of heading back home, they end up in Las Vegas, where her arch nemesis on Earth, is now a popular reality star. When circumstances spiral out of control, she needs to get back to her home planet to save her true humanoid love. By joining a reality show to the cosmos, Oas and Rotsen, a dandelion with a major attitude, she needs to outthink and outsmart the humanoids. But once they do, just who will survive?

  • Jolly Olde Teenage ALIEN


    Jolly Olde Teenage ALIEN
    Jolly Olde Teenage ALIEN

    After two disastrous attempts to get back to Zorca-twenty-three, Oas realizes she must take matters into her own hands if they are to survive Earth. The victim of a negative tea leaf reading, the superstitious members of Peach Acid, the rock star friends she's travelling with, force her out onto the cold rainy streets of London, where she must fend for herself and Rotsen. Luckily she and Rotsen are taken in by a kind playwright where she discovers an amazing revelation about her father and his past connection to Rockhedge Circle—a connection which might help her get back to her home planet.

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