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The Unimagined Canadian Capital: Challenges for the Federal Capital Region
The Unimagined Canadian Capital: Challenges for the Federal Capital Region
The Unimagined Canadian Capital: Challenges for the Federal Capital Region
Livre électronique164 pages2 heures

The Unimagined Canadian Capital: Challenges for the Federal Capital Region

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Too many stakeholders have neglected their duty of imagining an aspiring federal capital region for Canada. Under the auspices of the Forum of Federations, a number of persons interested in the fate of Canada’s federal capital region came together to examine the challenges facing the region and to put forward suggestions to deal with them.

In this report on the brainstorming exercise conducted in January 2011, professionals, academics, and elected officials take stock of the vast array of assets on which the federal capital region can build; probe the many sources of failures in coping as effectively and creatively as one would expect with the diversity, trans-border, financial, and governance challenges; and make suggestions to ensure that the federal capital region does not remain “unimagined” in the future.

Date de sortie10 août 2022
The Unimagined Canadian Capital: Challenges for the Federal Capital Region

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    The Unimagined Canadian Capital - Rupak Chattopadhyay

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