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Le petit chien de laine
Le petit chien de laine
Le petit chien de laine
Livre audio37 minutes

Le petit chien de laine

Écrit par Lionel Daunais

Raconté par The Secret Mountain

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


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À propos de ce livre audio

In the title song and story of this musical collection, a stuffed, woolen puppy falls victim to famished mites after having been left at home alone while his parents go to see an exhibit of humans at a local park. Upon their return, they discover his red, soggy, cotton tail on the floor and are faced with the challenge of putting him back together. Lionel Daunais’s lighthearted rendition of this song was a popular radio favorite in French-speaking Canada in the 1950s. The additional 12 songs in this storybook-music are off-the-wall fun for the whole family, full of clever word play and many strange creatures, including a bird who is part kangaroo and part rooster, a tortoise named Sue who goes around town without a shell, and a hard-headed hammer who has gone bonkers.
Date de sortie1 avr. 2013
Le petit chien de laine

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