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The Burning Secret: The Burning Secret - Stefan Zweig
Série de livres électroniques1 titre

Stefan Zweig

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À propos de cette série

Amok ou le Fou de Malaisie est une longue nouvelle de l'écrivain autrichien Stefan Zweig publiée en 1922. Le narrateur fait la rencontre sur un bateau d'un ancien médecin allemand parti pratiquer en Indonésie. Ce dernier est sous l'effet d'une vive et soudaine obsession pour une femme, sentiment qu'il met en parallèle avec l'amok. Suivi des nouvelles Lettre d’une inconnue et La ruelle au clair de lune.
Date de sortie22 sept. 2021
The Burning Secret: The Burning Secret - Stefan Zweig

Titres dans cette série (1)

  • The Burning Secret: The Burning Secret - Stefan Zweig


    The Burning Secret: The Burning Secret - Stefan Zweig
    The Burning Secret: The Burning Secret - Stefan Zweig

    Based on the short story Burning Secret by Stefan Zweig, Burning Secret is about the son of an American diplomat who befriends a mysterious baron while staying at a spa in Austria in the 1920s. Filmed with sensory details and nuances, this symbol-filled story is set in Austria in the 1920s. The lonely 12-year-old son of an American diplomat, treated for asthma in a country spa, is befriended by a sweet and mysterious baron and falls in love with him. During a story of his war experiences, the baron uncovers the scar of an American soldier and, saying "no seeing-no feeling", threads a needle through it. Little does the boy realise that it is his turn to be wounded. But soon his beloved friend mercilessly pushes him aside and turns his seductive attention to his mother. The boy's jealousy and feelings of betrayal become uncontrollable. Written and directed by Andrew Birkin, the film stars Klaus Maria Brandauer, Faye Dunaway and David Eberts. The film won the Young Jury Prize at the Brussels Film Festival in 1989 and the same year David Eberts won the Special Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival.


Stefan Zweig

Stefan Zweig (1881-1942), novelist, biographer, translator, and poet, was born in Austria and became one of the bestselling European authors of the 1920s and 30s. He is renowned for his psychologically astute fiction as well as enthralling studies of seminal figures such as Montaigne, Mary Queen of Scots, Marie Antoinette, Balzac, Nietzsche, and Freud. His work has inspired stage and screen adaptations, including the films Letters from an Unknown Woman and The Grand Hotel Budapest by Wes Anderson. Exiled from Europe by the Nazis, he committed suicide in Petrópolis, Brazil, in 1942.

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