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Aiden Mc Gilles
Aiden Mc Gilles
Aiden Mc Gilles
Série de livres électroniques0 titre

Aiden Mc Gilles

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À propos de cette série

In memory of all fallen soldiers and those who survived the cruelty of war.
World War 1 Ireland 1916
Young Aiden McGilles falls into the clutches of British soldiers roaming Ireland to recruit young men to fight on the Western Front in Flanders, France.
It is not until he is exposed to the incredible horror of war on the front lines that he realizes he will never return to his family in Ireland.
When he falls injured into a bomb crater under the great Battle of the Sommé, he encounters the German soldier Franz v. Letten, who is lying badly injured in the bomb crater and struggling to die.
Aiden quickly realizes that Franz is not an enemy, but a friend who, in the last hours of his life, makes him an incredible proposal to give him, Aiden, a chance to escape the cruelty of war.
Aiden sees no other way out and agrees. Thus begins for him an adventurous and dangerous journey.
Date de sortie8 févr. 2021
Aiden Mc Gilles
Aiden Mc Gilles
Aiden Mc Gilles

Christina Maria Schweiger

Christina Maria Schweiger was born in 1965 and works as a secretary at the office of a hotel. Her passions are social projects such as hospice and grief worker and writing. Since 2007 she has been working as an author. She has already published a trilogy of novels as well as a village chronicle of her hometown.

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