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Colloque - Hugo C. Cardoso : An Indo-Portuguese Undercurrent in Pondichéri French

Colloque - Hugo C. Cardoso : An Indo-Portuguese Undercurrent in Pondichéri French

DeColloques du Collège de France - Collège de France

Colloque - Hugo C. Cardoso : An Indo-Portuguese Undercurrent in Pondichéri French

DeColloques du Collège de France - Collège de France

26 minutes
7 juin 2024
Épisode de podcast


Salikoko S. MufweneMondes francophones (2023-2024)Collège de FranceAnnée 2023-2024Colloque - Hugo C. Cardoso : An Indo-Portuguese Undercurrent in Pondichéri FrenchIntervenant(s)Hugo C. CardosoAssociate professor, Universidade de LisboaRésuméThe territory of Pondichéri, a former French colony in Southeast India, is home to a community that self-identifies with the term Créole and has historically been characterised by a social stratification encompassing two subgroups: the Haut Créoles and the Bas Créoles. Tamil and French contributions are particularly evident in many domains of Pondichéri Créole culture and language, but, in this instance, we will explore the historical role of another community in the territory – the Indo-Portuguese – and its impact on the variety of French associated with the Pondichéri Créoles. This study adds a layer of complexity to the history of Indian varieties of French and highlights how easy it may be to overlook relevant cultural and linguistic agents in colonial societies.Hugo CardosoHugo C. Cardoso is associate professor of Linguistics at the University of Lisbon and a researcher of the Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa, having earlier worked in Macau, Hong Kong, and Coimbra. He is a researcher of language contact, with a particular focus on the Portuguese-lexified creole languages of South Asia (India and Sri Lanka) and a secondary one on those of Insular Southeast Asia. His research combines a synchronic (descriptive) perspective with an interest in the history of these languages and in comparative approaches to their study.
7 juin 2024
Épisode de podcast

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Colloques interdisciplinaires du Collège de FranceÉvénements de la vie scientifique de l'établissement, les colloques, dont le programme comprend à la fois des professeurs du Collège de France et des conférenciers invités, traite de thèmes aux nombreuses ramifications, dont les enjeux contemporains gagnent à être analysés au prisme des disciplines et des champs du savoir.