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Colloque - Konstanze Jungbluth : Emergence of ''Kust-Portugees'' (Coast Portuguese): Encounters along the Gold Coast and beyond in Early Modern Times

Colloque - Konstanze Jungbluth : Emergence of ''Kust-Portugees'' (Coast Portuguese): Encounters along the Gold Coast and beyond in Early Modern Times

DeColloques du Collège de France - Collège de France

Colloque - Konstanze Jungbluth : Emergence of ''Kust-Portugees'' (Coast Portuguese): Encounters along the Gold Coast and beyond in Early Modern Times

DeColloques du Collège de France - Collège de France

29 minutes
7 juin 2024
Épisode de podcast


Salikoko S. MufweneMondes francophones (2023-2024)Collège de FranceAnnée 2023-2024Colloque - Konstanze Jungbluth : Emergence of "Kust-Portugees" (Coast Portuguese): Encounters along the Gold Coast and beyond in Early Modern TimesIntervenant(s)Konstanze JungbluthProfesseur, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Franfurt (Oder)RésuméHistory shows that creole vernaculars are just ordinary language varieties. Five hundred years ago, dialectal diversity was a well-known fact in Portugal itself. Whenever merchants moved to new places, they needed to create new trading routines including appropriate forms of communication jointly with the locals. Together with their African and, later on, their Asian interlocutors, Portuguese sailors and merchants going native on the continent developed new vernaculars identified as "Kust Portugees", which was also adopted by their European competitors. Dutch companies produced word lists of it that their crews could find handy. It became the lingua franca of that time on the African coast. European and African Portuguese varieties mirror the differences of their ecologies of their encounters and reflect both syncretism and hybridization.Konstanze JungbluthSince 2007: Professor of Linguistics (Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Romance Languages), Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).Publications:2022 Jungbluth, K./Milano, Frederica de: Address Systems and Social Markes IN: Maiden, M./ Ledgeway, A. (edd.), Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics, Cambridge: CUP, 763-783.2015 Creoles. IN: Jungbluth, K./Milano, Federica de (edd.), Manual of Deixis in Romance Languages; Series: G. Holtus/F. Miret Sánchez (edd.), Manual of Romance Languages 6, Berlin/Boston: MOUTON De Gruyter, 332-356. (submitted): Brokers on the move. Encounters between Europeans and Africans in the Portuguese Seaborne Empire. IN: Enoch Aboh, Salikoko Mufwene (edd.), Uniformitarianism in Genetic Creolistics. Series CALC. CUP.Projects:2020: B/Ordering Cultures. Conference of the KWG, BIG & TEIN, DFG-funded, Frankfurt (Oder).2015-2018>2023: German-Brazilian co-tutelle PhD program Ethnicity in Motion (DAAD-CAPES/EUV-UFF).2014-2015: Beyond Language Boundaries. Use of L1 and L2 in Multilingual Contexts – 1eres i 2nes Llengües en contextos multilingües (DAAD: Univ. de Barcelona UB-EUV).2013-2016: The Impact of Current Transformational Processes on Language and Ethnic Identity: Urum and Pontic Greeks in Georgia (VWStiftung: together with Stavros Skopeteas, Univ. Göttingen & Greek Department of TSU, Georgia).2010: International Conference 1, 2, 3: my Language, your Language, our Language? Language Use in Multilingual Spaces. EUV Frankfurt (Oder), funded by DFG.
7 juin 2024
Épisode de podcast

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Colloques interdisciplinaires du Collège de FranceÉvénements de la vie scientifique de l'établissement, les colloques, dont le programme comprend à la fois des professeurs du Collège de France et des conférenciers invités, traite de thèmes aux nombreuses ramifications, dont les enjeux contemporains gagnent à être analysés au prisme des disciplines et des champs du savoir.