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?? Canary Call #60 : Travelling in consciousness with Patricia Plesner, CEO of EcoHotels.com

?? Canary Call #60 : Travelling in consciousness with Patricia Plesner, CEO of EcoHotels.com

DeCanary Call

?? Canary Call #60 : Travelling in consciousness with Patricia Plesner, CEO of EcoHotels.com

DeCanary Call

30 minutes
16 nov. 2022
Épisode de podcast


The 60th episode is the first episode in English. This will be the first in a series dedicated to sharing international experiences. Let's start with some pioneering initiatives from the Scandinavian countries, and since we want to explore the world, let's start with the travel industry. The climate crisis leads us to reinvent many things, including our way of travelling. Travelling is a guilt trip and a paradox in this context.  Patricia Plesner, who lives in Copenhagen, Denmark, joined EcoHotels.com in April 2020 as the project manager, and later became the CEO. Whilst building EcoHotels.com (pending BCorp company) up to what it is today, she finished her Masters in Business and Management at Copenhagen Business School. She believes that tourism, one of the world´s largest industries, has the potential to be a role model, bringing new initiatives as well as connectivity to the world. EcoHotels.com only represents and cooperates with hotels that are committed to sustainability and have trustworthy certifications to prove it. Patricia’s career path is very inspiring for professionals wanting to change careers as well as for students reflecting on their career paths. She shares with us how she works on aligning her personal convictions with her job and contributing to the ecological and solidarity transition directly in her professional activity.  The closing words in music are evocative :” Hey Jude….Take a sad song and make it better”#ecohotelscom #sustainablechangemakers #foranewbusinesssoul #canarycall #consciousleadership #podcastEpisod’s links :https://www.linkedin.com/in/patricia-plesner/https://ecohotels.com/abouthttps://blog.ecohotels.com/why-should-we-book-eco-certified-hotels/https://blog.ecohotels.com/ride-the-wave-of-responsible-tourism-with-ecohotels-com-ceo-patricia-plesner/https://www.bcorporation.fr/ ? To listen and join the community it's here: https://taplink.cc/canary_call #CanaryCall , the #podcast of Perrine Grua (mission driven executive coach & recruiter) dedicated to the people who make the ecological and solidarity transition of companies Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
16 nov. 2022
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (91)

Canary Call est le podcast dédié aux gens qui font la transition écologique et solidaire des entreprises. Je suis Perrine Grua et mon objectif est de convaincre de miser sur ces canaris qui sonnent l’alerte et agissent juste à temps. Animée par la curiosité de mieux les comprendre, pour mieux participer à déployer leur impact, j'ai décidé d'aller à leur rencontre. Dans ce podcast, vous allez faire la connaissance de ces femmes et de ces hommes qui font bouger les lignes au service d’une économie durable et inclusive : des engagé(es) issu(e)s de grands groupes, de startups, de l’entrepreneuriat social et solidaire, de l’art ; des professionnels des ressources humaines ou des managers qui identifient, valorisent, accompagnent ces profils ; des étudiants... Leur engagement est contagieux ! En les écoutant, les portes des possibles s’ouvrent et l’envie d’agir nous gagne. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.