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[EN] Imran Amed | Founder of The Business of Fashion: How Imran Amed Overcame Obstacles, Created BoF, and Redefined the Fashion Industry with His Passionate Vision and Commitment to Innovation and Inclusion.

[EN] Imran Amed | Founder of The Business of Fashion: How Imran Amed Overcame Obstacles, Created BoF, and Redefined the Fashion Industry with His Pass…

DeTheBoldWay (ex EDLM)

[EN] Imran Amed | Founder of The Business of Fashion: How Imran Amed Overcame Obstacles, Created BoF, and Redefined the Fashion Industry with His Pass…

DeTheBoldWay (ex EDLM)

77 minutes
11 juil. 2023
Épisode de podcast


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It is with immense pleasure that I welcome Imran Amed to the inaugural episode of TheBoldWay. An iconic and influential figure in the world of fashion, Imran, in my view, embodies the ideal blend of creativity, innovation, and audacity.

In 2007, at just 29 years old, he created The Business of Fashion. From a simple blog, this platform has transformed into a global benchmark in the fashion industry, delivering insights and analyses to a community of over 100,000 passionate and engaged paying subscribers.

Driven by the mission to open, inform, and globally connect the fashion industry, Imran ceaselessly pushes boundaries and shapes the future of the world of fashion.

In this episode, you will discover:

The fascinating journey of Imran, from his early years in Calgary (Canada) to the creation of a global platform of influence in the fashion industry.
The deep motivations that shaped Imran's vision and determination, rooted in the education of immigrant parents and the desire to find a purpose and meaning in his life.
The key stages and decisive moments that marked the construction of BoF, from the humble beginnings of the blog to the establishment of a trusted brand and a committed community.
Imran's unique strategies for maintaining creativity, innovation, and relevance in a constantly evolving sector, as well as the sources of inspiration that fuel his vision.
Imran's audacity and self-confidence, and how he overcame doubts and criticisms to realize his dreams.
The importance of credibility and relevance in the fashion industry and why people choose BoF over other platforms.
Imran's leadership in the fashion industry and his commitment to innovation and inclusion.
The impact of BoF on the fashion industry, highlighting established brands and giving a voice to emerging creators.
Some of the key habits, rituals, and coaching strategies of Imran that contributed to his personal development and success.
The lessons learned from failures, the sacrifices made, and the daily tools used by Imran to maintain his motivation and passion.

Prepare to be inspired by the captivating story of Imran Amed and to delve into the backstage of The Business of Fashion.

Quotes : 
“The first step to achieving purpose is just knowing that you need to stop. You need to really get to know yourself. You need to understand yourself deeply, because if you don't understand yourself, you don't understand what your passions are. You don't understand what your talents are, you don't understand what your needs are as a human being. It's impossible to go and achieve purpose.”
“But when you constantly hear messages in your journey and your purpose that tell you you're not going to be able to do it, you're not good enough. You don't have the skills, you don't have value. You need to know internally that those things aren't true. You need to understand. That's why understanding your own value, understanding your own skills, and why you have meaning and purpose in the world is so important on this journey, because there's going to be so many challenges along the way that may stall you or people who may discourage you sometimes unknowingly..”
“Our mission and purpose at BoF is to open, inform and connect the global fashion industry. And as BoF is something that has been born from my own search for purpose, I realized that actually one of the things that I can help people do, and one of the reasons I was really happy to sit down with you for this conversation is through my own journey help people to understand what is the path to finding your purpose. And so, yes, of course, I think through my work, part of my purpose is also to help the fashion industry see itself differently, to help the world see the fashion industry differently, to help pave the path for people. Who are different, people who have been marginalized, people who have been traditionally excluded from the fashion industry to see a pa
11 juil. 2023
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (100)

Bienvenue sur Entreprendre dans la mode, le podcast des entrepreneurs et des acteurs de la mode. Je m'appelle Adrien Garcia, je suis designer et co-fondateur de RÉUNI et chaque semaine, je vais à la rencontre, des femmes et des hommes qui font la mode. Qu'ils soient créateurs, entrepreneurs, retailers, institutionnels, journalistes, attachés de presse, investisseurs ou influenceurs, je les interview pour comprendre leur parcours, leurs problématiques et leurs stratégies pour innover et se développer. Avec ce podcast je souhaite recueillir et partager des conseils pratiques et des idées neuves pour se lancer et réussir dans la mode. Mon ambition c'est qu' ensembles, acteurs de cette industrie, passionnés de créations, de mode, de beauté et d'entrepreneuriat, nous nous nourrissions de l’intelligence et de l’énergie extraordinaires des interviewés. C’est aussi le meilleur prétexte que j'ai trouvé pour rencontrer mes héros, alimenter ma curiosité et continuer d'apprendre. Le podcast est disponible sur toutes les plateformes, alors pensez à vous abonner. Bonne écoute!