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#59 Nicole Rice (Simplicitycity) - Episode in English

#59 Nicole Rice (Simplicitycity) - Episode in English

DeTheBoldWay (ex EDLM)

#59 Nicole Rice (Simplicitycity) - Episode in English

DeTheBoldWay (ex EDLM)

38 minutes
30 nov. 2018
Épisode de podcast


Pour me soutenir via mon Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/entreprendredanslamodePour me suivre sur Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/entreprendredanslamode/Pour recevoir mes emails: https://www.entreprendredanslamode.com/email-prives/This week I am interviewing Nicole Rice, the woman behind the famous Instagram account Simplicitycity. In this interview she is talking about her background, how did she started her Instagram account, her creative process and much more… Enjoy our conversation. Here instagram : https://www.instagram.com/simplicitycity/Here email adresse: simplicitycityy@gmail.comTO FIGURE OUR WHERE YOU ARE IN THE EPISODE 00:00 Nicole present herself and explain her back ground 05:00 She explain how she started and why she started 09:20 Where does she find her pictures 12:00 She describes her Instagram univers 14:50 What is her business now, who were her first clients19:30 Her vision for her account and career 21:20 Her point of view about 3 seconde life expectancy of an image 25:15 The people she is impressed by 28:00 Her organisation 30:00 Her advise to create a great aspiration account 32:00 When she choose a picture how does she make sure it is consistent 35:00 Who she would like to here in the podcast KEYLEARNINGS It all stated as a side project. About the pictures she post: Simple but not boring, with a lot of character, with a lot of beauty. It s a bout being really true to what you like and what you appreciate and not thinking about what everyone elese is going to like. To me it is very important to be very authentic to what I like. You cannot please everyone, that cannot be the goal. That kind s of cliché, but just being true to yourself and your vision and also to be very consistent like even if you don’t see a town of growth right away just being like confident in what you are putting out there and knowing that it is probably brightening someone’s day and just continuing one, finding stuff that makes you happy and be consistant. That all i really did. I think when you start getting into thinking stuff like what is getting the most like, what get me more followers then you start compromising your vision and what is true to yourself. REFERENCES IN THE EPISODE NYUHer old Tumblr Fashion institute in New York The Costume institute Photography library Mastermind magazine Daphne Javitch Kalvin Klein Maryam Nassir Zadeh Lemaire INSPIRING LINKS NICOLE SHARED WITH ME https://www.instagram.com/samueldrira/https://www.instagram.com/_ha_at_/https://www.instagram.com/babylon_ely/https://www.instagram.com/maryam_nassir_zadeh/INSTAGRAMS THAT NICOLE CONTRIBUTES TO: https://www.instagram.com/doingwell/https://www.instagram.com/seanewyork/https://www.instagram.com/torysport/TUMBLRS NICOLE LIKES: http://teenagedirtstache.tumblr.com/http://hamonikakoshoten.tumblr.com/http://avy-archive.tumblr.com/http://pressworksonpaperblog.tumblr.com/http://bobdylan-n-jonimitchell.tumblr.com/http://hippykitchen.tumblr.com/archive
30 nov. 2018
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (100)

Bienvenue sur Entreprendre dans la mode, le podcast des entrepreneurs et des acteurs de la mode. Je m'appelle Adrien Garcia, je suis designer et co-fondateur de RÉUNI et chaque semaine, je vais à la rencontre, des femmes et des hommes qui font la mode. Qu'ils soient créateurs, entrepreneurs, retailers, institutionnels, journalistes, attachés de presse, investisseurs ou influenceurs, je les interview pour comprendre leur parcours, leurs problématiques et leurs stratégies pour innover et se développer. Avec ce podcast je souhaite recueillir et partager des conseils pratiques et des idées neuves pour se lancer et réussir dans la mode. Mon ambition c'est qu' ensembles, acteurs de cette industrie, passionnés de créations, de mode, de beauté et d'entrepreneuriat, nous nous nourrissions de l’intelligence et de l’énergie extraordinaires des interviewés. C’est aussi le meilleur prétexte que j'ai trouvé pour rencontrer mes héros, alimenter ma curiosité et continuer d'apprendre. Le podcast est disponible sur toutes les plateformes, alors pensez à vous abonner. Bonne écoute!