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L'outil de la pensée
L'outil de la pensée
L'outil de la pensée
Livre audio54 minutes

L'outil de la pensée

Écrit par James Allen

Raconté par Dr. David Roze

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


À propos de ce livre audio

"As a man thinkest" is a self-help book that will help you understand the game of life. 7 small chapters that give you the tool to understand yourself, and explain why in life you are getting not what you want but what you deserve.

This book originally published in 1903 is and remains one of the most recognized book in this field.
Date de sortie6 juin 2018
L'outil de la pensée

James Allen

James Allen was born in Leicester, England, in 1864. He took his first job at age 15 to support his family, after his father was murdered while looking for work in America. Allen was employed as a factory knitter and a private secretary until the early 1900s, when he became increasingly known for his motivational writing. His 1903 work As a Man Thinketh earned him worldwide fame as a prophet of inspirational thinking and influenced a who's-who of self-help writers, including Napoleon Hill.

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