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Vous avez Merde!
Vous avez Merde!
Vous avez Merde!
Livre audio6 heures

Vous avez Merde!

Écrit par Alice Hlidkova

Raconté par Emma Bannett

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


À propos de ce livre audio

Running a startup can be stressful, and with big pain points to be learned, what gets so many entrepreneurs to take that risk? What are the lessons learned from failure? What was the offense and why did so many choose to never speak up?
YOU SCREWED UP! Top Interviews of Business Leaders & Lessons Learned From Their Failures and Success, an inspirational self-help, compiles interviews of entrepreneurs who share their story in anonymity. In some cases, the whistle was blown, and in others, information was omitted. By giving entrepreneurs a safe space to reflect, drawing upon the lessons, patterns began to emerge, such as delivering incomplete or lucid contracts, making risky investments, ignoring due diligence, and trusting the wrong investors. These are the true accounts of entrepreneurs facing challenges with courage in an effort to highlight the startup journey from making tough decisions and the necessary sacrifices in order to save their businesses.
In this book you will gain:
? Use-cases for startups and entrepreneurial topics.
? Relevant tips to help you avoid pitfalls in your business.
? Summary of lessons learned to guide you on the right path to success.
“Insightful and Inspirational” - Steve Rodgers, Former Warren Buffet CEO
Date de sortie20 nov. 2022
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