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Levanzil dapre Zan: Labib an Kreol, #1
Série de livres électroniques1 titre

Labib an Kreol

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À propos de cette série

Formal Equivalent Translation of the New Testament into Mauritian Creole that uses the KJV/TR as the source text.

Date de sortie21 nov. 2020
Levanzil dapre Zan: Labib an Kreol, #1

Titres dans cette série (1)

  • Levanzil dapre Zan: Labib an Kreol, #1


    Levanzil dapre Zan: Labib an Kreol, #1
    Levanzil dapre Zan: Labib an Kreol, #1

    Formal Equivalent Translation of the New Testament into Mauritian Creole that uses the KJV/TR as the source text.

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