Treadlie Magazine2 min de lecture
As a kid I’d dreamed about being a bike messenger, so when I landed a part-time job delivering prescription medicine to the elderly in my rural village on my bright red Raleigh, my 17-year-old self thought I’d made it. My bubble was soon burst when a
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
The Criterium is perfect for anyone looking to commute with a vintage look. It has a a reactive but comfortable steel frame, plus regular pedals, eyelets for fenders and extra firm tyres. Available from The Plan
Treadlie Magazine2 min de lecture
Hello and welcome to another issue of Treadlie. It’s probably time to formally introduce you to my bike, given that she’s a recurring feature. This is Joan, my mixte and Official Big Kid Bike. She was given to me for my 21st birthday by my nanna, and
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
Finding The Rough Stuff
For the Rough-Stuff Fellowship (RSF), it’s always been about leaving behind the manicured path for something a little muddier. Recognised as the world’s oldest off-road cycling club, it was founded in 1955 at The Black Swan, a Leominster pub in Engla
Treadlie Magazine4 min de lecture
Happy Trails
Caz Whitehead never meant to get into cycling. She was simply tired of Melbourne’s poor public transport and looking for a way to keep fit that wouldn’t involve trying to get to the gym before work. So she decided to kill two birds with one stone. Bu
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
Mind Matter
The year of the last official Indian Pacific Wheel Race was Abdullah Zeinab’s first taste of endurance cycling. It was 2017 and Abdullah had made the progression from riding his fixie to work every day to a few long-distance rides to his home town of
Treadlie Magazine1 min de lectureAutomotive
Treadlie Street
Who? Harriet Donegan. Occupation? Creative Writing student at RMIT, Melbourne. Wearing? Colour. I don’t take to hi-vis much, so I will always opt for something bright, which isn’t taxing as I don’t wear much black. Black makes me blue. Your bike?
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
Against The Grain
If you don’t know Squid Bikes, then listen up: this is one anti-establishment bike brand that you should know. Born in Northern California in 2014, Squid’s style is irreverent, lighthearted and flashy – and it has been right from the start. Squid Bik
Treadlie Magazine2 min de lecture
Treadlie Street
Who? Nick Kohn. Occupation? Bush firefighter half the year, bikepacker for the rest. Wearing? A doozy souvenir hat I bought when riding through Banff, Canada, a four-dollar linen shirt from Vinnies, Hawke shorts, super comfy Icebreaker merino socks
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
Welcome To Paradise
Imagine cycling amid the treetops, pedalling 10 metres above the ground eye to eye with a passing song bird. Or riding across a lake; not above but actually through it, in it, without making a ripple? Sound impossible, like some fantastical dream? Th
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
Wheel Of History
It’s something we’ve all tried at least once – plugging our name into Google to see who shares our moniker. But for Adelaide council worker Sarah Maddock, that tiny act of egosurfing led to a big adventure. Back in the early 2000s, Sarah Maddock disc
Treadlie Magazine2 min de lecture
Treadlie Street
Who? Paris Moore. Occupation? Doctor – Orthopedic SRMO. Wearing? I’m wearing my usual cycling kit, bib shorts and a Rapha jersey. Good shorts with a thick shammy are essential, especially as a woman. I prefer a bib because it means I’m not constant
Treadlie Magazine6 min de lectureAutomotive
Mountain bikes have come a long way from their origins in the hills of Marin County, California in the 1970s. Beginning as modified cruisers, the bikes were known as ‘ballooners’ after their wide tyres, and were notable for their sturdy, old-fashione
Treadlie Magazine2 min de lecture
Taste For Adventure
Travelling around the world, flitting from one cycling event to another is a life of which some may only dream. For Ashley Gruber, it’s work: and the American-born photographer spends around nine months every year doing just that. Ashley’s lens leads
Treadlie Magazine2 min de lecture
Treadlie Street
Who? Samuel J Eidelson. Occupation? Unpublished poet. Wearing? The same thing for over a week now: carpenter’s denims, Rossi work boots, a beat-up straw cowboy hat and Dad’s old singlet. Your bike? Since I was a kid I always thought of myself as s
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
Riding through the streets of Mordialloc, thinking about his next career move, Phil Warren stopped at a café for a mid-morning break. Here, he met a fellow rider – they exchanged pleasantries, compliments and stories. Phil was also told about an orga
Treadlie Magazine4 min de lecture
Bikes On Big Mountains
Perspective, mood, and the definition of a big day climbing: it’s incredible how rapidly these change once outside the comfort zone. The morning’s plan to explore just the latter by riding up the Babusar Pass had soon evolved. Straying just off the m
Treadlie Magazine2 min de lectureAutomotive
Riding was merely a mode of transportation during my adolescence, I saw it as a means to not be late to school. It wasn’t until I rode around New Zealand did I realise the sheer joy one feels as they zip down a hill after a gruelling, but rewarding c
Treadlie Magazine2 min de lecture
A photo of my bike (and extremities) means that Treadlie is back again! Turning 25 strikes me as the perfect time to reflect on all that Treadlie has achieved. For 25 issues, we’ve served up pages upon pages of glorious bikes – but more than that, we
Treadlie Magazine4 min de lecture
When it comes to making saddles, Brooks England is tough to beat. We particularly admire the C17 Organic Light because the Cambium Organic Light line replaces the nose and base components of the metal structure with liquid wood – a biopolymer made co
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
Some might say Steve Nutt found his passion late in life; at 65. But in five short years he has more than made up for lost time, amassing an astonishing array of Australian and international racing bikes of historical and sporting significance. The s
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
Touring Artists
An adventure around the world is already a wild idea, but when you add in a couple of Bombtrack Beyond bikes and a whole lot of gear things get even more complicated. Luckily for Matty Waudby, his partner Clare Nattress, aka the Touring Artist, was m
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
For a city as bike-obsessed as Melbourne, where you can get anything from a custom carbon frame to a bespoke leather bike seat, there are surprisingly few options when it comes to custom paint jobs. Until recently, if you asked your local bike store
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
Blast From The Past
These days, the river ride is a staple loop in Brisbane’s cycling scene. The ride has seen many iterations but the essence has remained the same: follow the river. It started in the 80s as a training ride which later came to be known as the Blasters
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
Bikes Up Knives Down
The number of violent offences involving knives has reached an all-time high in England and Wales in 2019, making the situation hard to describe as anything but an epidemic. So when London-based film director Matt Dempsey was commissioned by the Barb
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
Shining Light
In common parlance, someone with astounding drive might be described as having a ‘fire’ within them. Call it what you will, but Zibeon Fielding is every bit one of those people. An Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara and Torres Strait Islander man
Treadlie Magazine2 min de lecture
Pedalling Ahead
The bicycle industry is traditionally a boys’ club, and conventional bike shops can be an intimidating environment for women and LGBTQI+ people to go into and work in. But Omafiets in Redfern, Sydney, is riding ahead in inclusivity – creating a welco
Treadlie Magazine4 min de lecture
Treadlie Magazine5 min de lectureAutomotive
E Is For Everybody
E-bikes have come a long way in the past decade. Where the cycling community once looked down its collective nose at electrical assistance as something akin to cheating, they are now more widely embraced. Mainstream manufacturers have taken e-bikes f
Treadlie Magazine3 min de lecture
The Bicycle Kingdom
An early morning train marks the beginning of our Taiwan journey. It’s roughly 8am. My partner, Roma and I quickly scan the brightly lit 7-Eleven as we hear the inspector’s boarding whistle. Yakult in hand, we dash towards the swaying giant. Once on
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