RealClassic3 min de lecture
From The Front
Down the years I have acquired defunct projects many times. Projects is the operative word here, in case you were wondering. I’m drawing an imaginary (but compulsory) line between a project involving rebuilding a bike and a special, which is somethin
RealClassic3 min de lecture
Outward Bound
➤ The Ashford CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE SHOW and bikejumble opens 10am to Ashford Livestock Market, Ashford, Kent TN24 0HB. The date may be April 1st but it’s no joke! Plenty of private entries plus indoor and outdoor jumble and trade stalls. Worksho
RealClassic2 min de lecture
Four First!
Great to see John Young’s 1200Triumph in RC238. However, the fourth cylinder was most definitely not added on the right. Both triples and fours have their engine centre on the chassis centre line. Because they share the same petrol tank, the cam driv
RealClassic4 min de lecture
Staring into the abyss of the collapse of the British Motorcycle Industry can make you a little obsessive, and the odd jewel or glimmer of lost hope is always both a joy and a sadness to discover. Take, for example, this motorcycle. It was not made b
RealClassic1 min de lecture
Horse Talk
Frank commented on measurements of power output recently. One fully Brexified horse will deliver 746 watts. A metric horse (PS) delivers 1000 watts. 30PS is equivalent to 40hp. Tom Gaynor, member All is revealed. Thanks! Frank W ■
RealClassic1 min de lecture
Where Are They Now?
I have fond memories of a Triumph 21 and notice that it is still registered. I would love to see this bike again. And yes, it did indeed have matching tacho and speedo. In the pic I was just 16. My dad bought it for me in an uncharacteristic act of g
RealClassic5 min de lecture
Some SEDATE Speed
Henry VIII could hardly have foreseen the lower orders parading with their pandemonium of noisome, odious contrivances at Grimsthorpe, a mere five centuries after giving it to Lord Willough by de Eresby and his bride. The annals make no mention of ot
RealClassic2 min de lecture
The History Bit
In the UK, Suzuki (Gt Britain) Limited first imported and assembled machines between 1963 and 1965 from spare AMC premises at the rear of the James factory in Gough St, Birmingham. Although no actual trials machine was offered by Suzuki at the time,
RealClassic2 min de lecture
Clubman’s Corner
There aren’t many motorcycling organisations which survive and thrive to celebrate their hundredth anniversary. We mentioned the Sunbeam MCC recently and then - like London buses - here comes another one. Based in the Guildford area, this organisatio
RealClassic1 min de lecture
Beezer Geezer?
I had a look at the 650 Gold Star in my local dealership. I was impressed overall but a couple of questions came to mind. The pillion peg tubes have so many welds: why? Looks like they were assembled from a number of stock tubes. More importantly, am
RealClassic6 min de lecture
‘You always really enjoy riding Beezer A1 Os. How come you always buy A65s instead?’ I’d just landed from yet another entirely enjoyable blast aboard an elderly Flash, was pondering upon calling this story’Old Geezer; Old Beezer’when the Better Third
RealClassic3 min de lecture
All-day 750
I got this 1974 Ducati 750 GT in 2017 with just under 27,000 miles on the speedometer. It was in good condition and had just had the tank and sidecovers painted. I wrote about this bike in RC196 so I will skip the restoration story. Much has been wri
RealClassic11 min de lecture
Positively luxurious by the standards of the era, the 1909 Pierce was the first fourcylinder motorcycle to be manufactured in the USA for customer sale. At a time when most other motorcycles available for purchase were essentially spindly-framed bicy
RealClassic1 min de lecture
Trials And Tribulations
The talented Peter Gaunt was one of the first riders to spot the potential of the little Bearcat. He was a trials rider with James, but as the AMC empire began to disintegrate so the competition shop at James was axed. However James had been importin
RealClassic4 min de lecture
Members’ Enclosure
The astute among you might’ve noticed something a little odd about last month’s magazine. I’m referring to RC239, the March issue… although what you received claimed to be the April / May magazine. There was also a bright red bubble on the cover whic
RealClassic2 min de lecture
Led-ing Lights
I totally agree with Frank’s view about the use of LED headlight bulbs in motorcycles. I have them fitted in three of my four bikes, purely to make it easier for other road users to see me. I also don’t choose to ride at night (that’s when the kangar
RealClassic2 min de lecture
Travellers' Tales
Some friends recently let me know that my Moto Guzzi appeared in RC234, when my wife Cheryl and I were mentioned in a letter that recalled a trip in 1974. We bought our 850 GT Guzzi in Melbourne, Australia, but took delivery of it in Switzerland. We
RealClassic4 min de lecture
A Short History Of An Engine
BSA’s parallel twin was both inspired by and intended to compete with Triumph’s Speed Twin. The latter was - as you know - famously designed by EdwardTurner. What you may not know is that the same Mr Turner worked for a while on the design of BSA twi
RealClassic3 min de lecture
Starfire scrambler
It was one of those most dangerous of times. You know those times, when the universe plays with you, daring you with temptation. The first part of the equation was that I had some money. This is a Rare Occurrence, but I’d just sold the Can-Am race bi
RealClassic7 min de lecture
Pub talk
The weather just before the Bristol Classic Bike Show was pretty foul, and the forecast was wet and cold – conditions in which starting the Scruffy Suzuki has become a bit‘iffy’. Since PUB had a plan to round trip via friends and family (and is getti
RealClassic2 min de lecture
Realclassic Reading
REALCLASSIC READING: BIKES & BATHURST Bathurst was Australia’s first inland settlement the other side of the Blue Mountains, 130 miles northwest of Sydney. It was founded in 1815, the same years as the Battle of Waterloo. The town is best known aroun
RealClassic11 min de lecture
A Vintage Adventure
Back in the late 1980s while passing through Banbury, my wife and I chanced upon a large group of very old motorcycles and their owners. Having just returned to motorcycling, and being inclined towards obsolescent machines, we spent a happy hour or s
RealClassic2 min de lecture
PO BOX 66 BUDE EX23 9ZX I’ve been on the Triumph factory tour twice; first with my wife, Chris, and later on a coach trip. The first time I got talking to the tour guide over a cup of coffee before the tour started. During the tour he kept asking;‘Ro
RealClassic11 min de lecture
This machine was an eBay purchase more than ten years ago; it was a fairly complete machine in rather rough condition. I remember placing a rather cheeky bid early in the auction and then more or less forgetting about it. When I saw the email saying
RealClassic2 min de lecture
Naming Of Pins
I’ve been shouting at the TV for some years, usually when some twit gets the name of something wrong or uses American pronunciation. Recently I have been noticing more and more in supposedly technical magazines that people give items the wrong name.
RealClassic1 min de lecture
You Too?
Interesting to read of George Todd in the fastest Bantam in the world article (Ollie’s OddJob in RC238). Back in 1969 I rather fancied one of George’s high compression cylinder heads on my new Bantam D14/4. I rode out to George’s house and he showed
RealClassic10 min de lecture
An Aussie export
‘What’s that bike?’ my mate Rick from Pommieland asked me. ‘That’s a Suzuki TC100,’ I said. Rick and his wife Chrissy had dropped in to my place in Australia. It didn’t take long to migrate to the shed to talk bikes. ‘What’s that lever on the side of
RealClassic2 min de lecture
Jump To It!
Most of us have experienced that sinking feeling when we go to start our bike and we hear the click-click of the solenoid but not much else. It usually happens when we are in a rush to go somewhere! The chances of this happening increase if you ride
RealClassic2 min de lecture
On Carbs
Hi Frank. I read with interest your recent article on Amal carbs on your Norton, and whiie I do not disagree with any of the steps you took, I am surprised that you did not initially try an ultrasonic clean of the carbs, given the nature of the probl
RealClassic1 min de lecture
Harking Back
As always I enjoyed the latest edition of RealClassic (RC238) but I was particularly struck by Rowena’s Members’ Enclosure. It was a very evocative description of the reality of producing a small magazine, particularly in its early days - no Clark Ke
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