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Interview avec Dimitri - acheter une maison (partie 2)

Interview avec Dimitri - acheter une maison (partie 2)

DeLanguaTalk Slow French: Learn French With Gaëlle | French podcast for A2-B1

Interview avec Dimitri - acheter une maison (partie 2)

DeLanguaTalk Slow French: Learn French With Gaëlle | French podcast for A2-B1

17 minutes
27 mai 2024
Épisode de podcast


This episode is the second part of the interview with Dimitri, a Greek citizen living and working in France, who explains to Gaelle the different steps to buy a property in France. We recommend listening to the first part before diving into this one.
Warning: this episode is more challenging than usual because of the sound quality of Gaelle’s recording and Dimitri’s slight accent.
Check out Langua, a cutting-edge AI platform to help you become fluent in French: https://languatalk.com/french-AI-chat?via=gaelle
You can find an interactive transcript for this episode on Langua, and you can see the vocab list here: https://languatalk.com/blog/podcast/french?via=frenchpod
Looking to learn French fast with a tutor like Gaëlle? Meet a tutor for a free trial session here: https://languatalk.com/french-tutors-online?via=frenchpod
27 mai 2024
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (100)

Learn French with Gaëlle, an experienced French teacher. 99% in French and designed for students with a basic level (A2) or higher. Gaëlle speaks slowly to make it easier to understand. If you have an intermediate level, you can always increase the playback speed in your app. Each week, you’ll improve your French whilst also learning about French culture, society, history, and much more. Go to LanguaTalk.com/frenchpod to read an interactive transcript of each episode as you listen. This will help you follow along and allow you to study the sentences. For lessons with Gaëlle (if available) or other tutors: https://languatalk.com/french-tutors-online?via=frenchpod