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LGBTQ: Le parcours difficile de Laurie, lesbienne et maman en France | Laurie's tough journey to become a lesbian mom in France

LGBTQ: Le parcours difficile de Laurie, lesbienne et maman en France | Laurie's tough journey to become a lesbian mom in France

DeMy Polyglot Life - En Francais

LGBTQ: Le parcours difficile de Laurie, lesbienne et maman en France | Laurie's tough journey to become a lesbian mom in France

DeMy Polyglot Life - En Francais

37 minutes
21 mai 2021
Épisode de podcast


My friend Laurie and I talk about the difficulty for gay and lesbian couples to make and/or adopt kids. It's not exclusive to LGBTQ because unmarried women also struggle. Laurie shares her personal journey, from her partner's pregnancy to the adoption of her own daughter. She has an interesting vision of why things are so complicated for same-sex couples and single women in France.  
This episode is a mix of interview and explanations that I added to provide context and adapt the content to French learners. 

How Canada is more open than France
How France is ignoring transgender people in the current debates

Laurie's journey (from 18:55):

What do French lesbian couples do when they want to have a baby (provided they have money!)
How do you legally become the second mother of your child after birth? 
A reflexion on what it means to become a mother
The role of the state to promote LGBTQIA+ rights

There is no transcript for what Laurie says but you'll find short summaries in the transcript. 
Transcript available: francais.mypolyglotlife.com



Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/mypolyglotlife/support
21 mai 2021
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (100)

Un podcast créé par Cathy Intro, coach de français, pour vous aider à mieux connaître les francophones et à améliorer votre français. Conçu pour les niveaux intermédiaires-supérieurs et avancés intéressés par la culture française et nord-américaine ou qui préparent un test (DELF, DALF, TCF, TEF). Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/mypolyglotlife/support