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En images: (Picture This)
En images: (Picture This)
En images: (Picture This)
Livre électronique115 pages56 minutes

En images: (Picture This)

Évaluation : 3.5 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique

Ethan lives in a foster home, struggling to put his life on the right track. Involved in a photography program for at-risk kids, he finds himself threatened again and again by someone who wants his camera. What does Ethan know? And what is on his camera that someone is willing to kill for? Struggling to stay out of trouble and solve the mystery, he discovers he has all the answers, he just has to figure out the questions.
Date de sortie1 sept. 2011
En images: (Picture This)

Norah McClintock

Norah McClintock won the Crime Writers of Canada's Arthur Ellis Award for crime fiction for young people five times. She wrote more than sixty YA novels, including contributions to Seven (the series), the Seven Sequels and the Secrets series.

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Avis sur En images

Évaluation : 3.5833333333333335 sur 5 étoiles

6 notations2 avis

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  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    Ethan grew up with close gang ties and multiple thefts and arrests. Since moving to a new foster home with a strict but loving family, however, he has tried to straighten up. He no longer hangs out with his old friends and he has become enthusiastically involved in a summer youth program taking pictures of hawks. Because of this, he is surprised when he is attacked multiple times. It slowly becomes clear that whoever is attacking him wants his camera. Now Ethan must figure out who wants his camera and why before they succeed in killing him. Although the overall plot of Picture This is interesting, it comes out as a series of mildly exciting events with nothing in between. It is written in the first person with Ethan conversationally narrating the story. Despite a constant description of his thoughts and feelings, Ethan still has little range of emotion, even when he is attacked. Picture This is a quick, easy read, but it lacks the suspense and believability necessary for a hi-lo book. It is appropriate for children in grades eight through twelve that do not have strong reading skills. It is recommended for the young adult section of a public library.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    This is a very fast read about a boy, Ethan, who is turning his life around. He was involved with gangs in the past, but has stopped associating with them, and is now happily involved in a program for kids at risk called Picture This. While taking photographs for aPicture This assignment, he unknowingly captures a photograph that will end up endangering his life! This fast paced, easy novel will be perfect for middle school reluctant readers, especially boys, who have an interest in photography.