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La cache: (Stuff We All Get)
La cache: (Stuff We All Get)
La cache: (Stuff We All Get)
Livre électronique110 pages54 minutes

La cache: (Stuff We All Get)

Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles



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Actuellement indisponible

À propos de ce livre électronique

Suspended from school, lonely and bored, fifteen-year-old Zack will do anything for amusement. His mom drags him out geocaching, and Zach finds a CD with the word Famous written across it. He puts the CD in his stereo and loses himself in the music. Zack has sound-color synesthesia. He sees colors when he hears music, and the music on the Famous CD causes incredible patterns of color for him. Zack becomes obsessed with the girl on the CD and decides he has to find her.
Date de sortie1 nov. 2012
La cache: (Stuff We All Get)

K.L. Denman

K.L. Denman a écrit de nombreux romans pour la jeunesse, notamment Destination Human et Agent Angus publiés par Orca. Bon nombre de ses ouvrages ont figuré aux palmarès des meilleurs livres de l’année, et Me, Myself and Ike a été finaliste au Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général. K.L. Denman vit à Delta, en Colombie-Britannique.

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Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles

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  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    This new novel in the Orca Currents line is exactly what Orca Currents promises -- fast, fun, and engaging. Following the story of Zack, a fifteen-year-old who has just moved with his police officer mom to a new town and a new school, STUFF WE ALL GET is a story of expulsion, assumption, revelation, and redemption.It all starts when Zack gets in a fight with this kid at school. And, during his week at home, where he is, obviously, grounded, Zack's mom thinks it might be fun to take up geocaching -- a hobby where people use GPS trackers to find hidden treasure all over the world. There are several caches in Zack's new town, and, reluctantly -- if only to get out of the house (and his chores) -- he joins his mom for an "adventure." But then, in the cache's SWAG (Stuff We All Get) -- which is less hidden treasure, Zack thinks, and more just a bunch of random junk -- there's a CD with just the word "famous" written on it in black marker. Soon, Zack is entranced by the songs on the CD. And he's determined to find the girl singing. So determined, in fact, it's all he can think about.This fun, sweet story by K.L. Denman, targeted at reluctant teen readers, is a great addition to the Orca Currents line. Readers who enjoy stories about music and small town adventures will surely be charmed.