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Le chat musicien
Le chat musicien
Le chat musicien
Livre audio42 minutes

Le chat musicien

Écrit par Joseph Beaulieu

Raconté par The Secret Mountain

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


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À propos de ce livre audio

These 12 lively animal-themed songs are separated into morning, afternoon, and evening. Each appears with lyrics and colorful illustrations in the book and is performed by young dynamic singers representing the contemporary music scene in Canada and France on the audio. Children can wake up to the sound of a singing lark in “L'alouette du matin” (The Morning Lark), shake it up in the afternoon with a raucous team of circus animals in “Le cirque” (The Circus), and wind down at the end of the day listening to a choir of mellow frogs in “Le concert des grenouilles” (The Frog Concert).
Date de sortie1 avr. 2013
Le chat musicien

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