Paris Capitale


Homes of great writers


Following the success of The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) had this neo-Renaissance style residence built on a hill near the Seine, at Port Marly. It notably features a Moorish salon. In the landscaped grounds with their rockeries, ponds and waterfalls stands the Château d’If, a construction of neo-Gothic design intended for use as a study. The writer moved into the property in 1847 and soon left it again, harassed as he was by his creditors.

■ Port-Marly, 78.


After the shooting of in 1947, Jean Cocteau (1889-1963) found a haven away from the tumult of Paris in Milly and lived there until the end of his life. For himself and his friends, the artist created a realm in his own image: eclectic, mysterious and poetic.

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