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Rapide & Facile : Guide Débutant pour Pilates Au Mur et Fitball - Illustré en Détail + 200 Exercices: HOME FITNESS, #1
Wall Pilates and Fitball: Quick & Easy – A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced - Step by Step Fully Illustrated + 200 Exercises: HOME FITNESS, #1
Schnell & Einfach Einsteiger-Guide Für Wand- Und Fitball- Pilates | Detailliert Illustriert + 200 Übungen: HOME FITNESS, #1
Série de livres électroniques4 titres


Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


À propos de cette série

  • Are you struggling to lose weight and find inner peace?
  • Do you want to revitalize your body but don't know where to start?

This book has the solution to your problems!

"Somatic Chair Yoga Exercises: The 28-Day Challenge" by Lena Königshof is your comprehensive guide to achieving your health and wellness goals. With this step-by-step, fully illustrated book, you'll discover how chair yoga can transform your life.


Over 90% of our readers have found significant benefits from this program. They report feeling more energized, experiencing less pain, and achieving a greater sense of inner peace.


This book is designed for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level.

Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that is practiced sitting on a chair or standing using a chair for support. It's perfect for those with limited mobility, beginners, or anyone looking for a low-impact exercise routine.


Benefits you'll gain from this book:

  • Lose Weight: Engage in effective chair yoga exercises that are specifically designed to help you shed those extra pounds.
  • Revitalize Your Body: Improve your physical health, increase your flexibility, and boost your energy levels.
  • Find Inner Peace: Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your yoga practice to achieve mental clarity and tranquility.
  • Manage Specific Health Concerns: Target and alleviate common health issues such as arthritis, hypertension, and back pain with specialized exercises.
  • Track Your Progress: Utilize our bonus tracking sheets to monitor your progress and stay motivated throughout your 28-day journey.
  • Enjoy Quick and Healthy Recipes: Discover a collection of simple, nutritious recipes to support your overall wellness and complement your yoga practice.


Inside this book, you'll find:

  • Incorporating Mindfulness into Chair Yoga Practice: Learn how to blend mindfulness techniques with chair yoga for a holistic approach to well-being. These exercises will help you focus on your breath, reduce stress, and enhance your overall yoga experience.
  • Chair Yoga for Specific Health Concerns: Detailed instructions and illustrations for exercises that target arthritis, hypertension, and back pain. These routines are designed to help you manage and reduce symptoms, improve mobility, and enhance your quality of life.
  • Bonus: Track Your Progress: Special sections dedicated to tracking your achievements. Use our progress tracking sheets to record your daily practices, monitor improvements, and celebrate milestones.
  • Bonus: Quick and Healthy Recipes: A curated selection of easy-to-make, healthy recipes that are perfect for busy individuals. These recipes are designed to provide you with the necessary nutrients to support your yoga practice and promote overall health.



"This book has changed my life! I've lost weight, feel more energetic, and my back pain has significantly decreased. The step-by-step illustrations made it easy to follow along, even as a beginner. Highly recommend!" - Sarah M.


Don't wait any longer to start your journey to a healthier, more peaceful life. Get your copy of "Somatic Chair Yoga Exercises: The 28-Day Challenge" today and begin transforming your life step by step!

Date de sortie31 janv. 2024
Rapide & Facile : Guide Débutant pour Pilates Au Mur et Fitball - Illustré en Détail + 200 Exercices: HOME FITNESS, #1
Wall Pilates and Fitball: Quick & Easy – A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced - Step by Step Fully Illustrated + 200 Exercises: HOME FITNESS, #1
Schnell & Einfach Einsteiger-Guide Für Wand- Und Fitball- Pilates | Detailliert Illustriert + 200 Übungen: HOME FITNESS, #1

Titres dans cette série (4)

  • Schnell & Einfach Einsteiger-Guide Für Wand- Und Fitball- Pilates | Detailliert Illustriert + 200 Übungen: HOME FITNESS, #1


    Schnell & Einfach Einsteiger-Guide Für Wand- Und Fitball- Pilates | Detailliert Illustriert + 200 Übungen: HOME FITNESS, #1
    Schnell & Einfach Einsteiger-Guide Für Wand- Und Fitball- Pilates | Detailliert Illustriert + 200 Übungen: HOME FITNESS, #1

    Möchten Sie Ihre Fitnessroutine beleben? Suchen Sie nach einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz, der Körper und Geist stärkt? Oder sind Sie eine werdende Mutter, die nach sicheren und effektiven Übungen sucht? "Schnell & Einfach zu Pilates" ist die Antwort auf all diese Fragen. ***** Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen: Ein komplettes Pilates-Programm: Von Anfängerübungen bis hin zu fortgeschrittenen Techniken – für jede Erfahrungsstufe ist etwas dabei. Spezialisiertes Training: Egal, ob Sie mit dem Wand-Pilates Ihre Haltung verbessern oder mit dem Fitball-Pilates Ihre Kernmuskulatur stärken möchten, dieses Buch deckt alle Aspekte ab. Schwangerschafts-Pilates: Spezielle Übungen, die für werdende Mütter sicher und effektiv sind. Vorteile für Körper und Geist: Entdecken Sie, wie Pilates nicht nur Ihre Fitness verbessert, sondern auch Stress abbaut und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden fördert. ******** Durch detaillierte Illustrationen und leicht verständliche Anleitungen ist "Schnell & Einfach zu Pilates" Ihr persönlicher Trainer zu Hause. Nutzen Sie die Chance, Ihr Leben zu verändern. Holen Sie sich jetzt Ihr Exemplar! ******* Schnell & Einfach zu Pilates: Ihr Wegbegleiter für Wand- und Fitball-Pilates Entdecken Sie die Welt des Pilates neu mit "Schnell & Einfach zu Pilates", dem ultimativen Einsteiger-Guide von Lena Königshof. Mit über 200 detailliert illustrierten Übungen bringt dieses Buch Pilates in Ihr Zuhause, so intuitiv und effektiv wie nie zuvor. Für jeden geeignet: Ob Sie Ihre ersten Schritte in der Welt des Pilates machen oder Ihre Fähigkeiten weiterentwickeln möchten, dieses Buch bietet individuell anpassbare Übungen für jedes Niveau. Wissenschaftlich fundiert: Jede Übung basiert auf den neuesten Erkenntnissen, um Ihnen ein sicheres und effektives Training zu gewährleisten. Vielfalt, die begeistert: Entdecken Sie die Vielseitigkeit von Wand-Pilates für Stabilität und Fitball-Pilates für Flexibilität und Kraft. Klar und Verständlich: Die Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und hochwertigen Illustrationen machen Pilates zugänglich und einfach zu verstehen. Von Experten empfohlen: Lena Königshof, eine renommierte Pilates-Trainerin, teilt ihre jahrzehntelange Erfahrung und Tipps, um Ihre Praxis zu perfektionieren. *********** Lassen Sie sich von "Schnell & Einfach zu Pilates" inspirieren und erleben Sie, wie Pilates Ihr Leben bereichern kann. Mit jeder Seite dieses Buches nehmen Sie einen Schritt auf dem Weg zu mehr Beweglichkeit, Stärke und innerer Ruhe. Warten Sie nicht länger, beginnen Sie noch heute Ihr Pilates-Abenteuer!   Jetzt kaufen und den ersten Schritt in ein gesünderes, ausgeglicheneres Leben setzen!

  • Rapide & Facile : Guide Débutant pour Pilates Au Mur et Fitball - Illustré en Détail + 200 Exercices: HOME FITNESS, #1


    Rapide & Facile : Guide Débutant pour Pilates Au Mur et Fitball - Illustré en Détail + 200 Exercices: HOME FITNESS, #1
    Rapide & Facile : Guide Débutant pour Pilates Au Mur et Fitball - Illustré en Détail + 200 Exercices: HOME FITNESS, #1

    Vous cherchez à transformer votre routine de fitness et à découvrir le monde du Pilates de manière simple et efficace? Rapide & Facile: Guide Débutant pour Pilates au Mur et Fitball - Illustré en Détail + 200 Exercices" de Lena Königshof est là pour vous guider à travers un voyage de remise en forme révolutionnaire. Ce livre est conçu pour vous introduire dans l'univers du Pilates avec facilité, que vous soyez débutant, intermédiaire ou avancé.   Voici ce que vous trouverez à l'intérieur: Une introduction claire: Comprenez les fondamentaux du Pilates et comment ce livre peut transformer votre approche du fitness. Des instructions détaillées pour chaque niveau: Que vous commenciez à peine ou que vous cherchiez à perfectionner votre pratique, chaque exercice est expliqué étape par étape. Des séquences spécifiques pour le Pilates au Mur et avec le Fitball: Explorez des routines variées qui ciblent chaque partie de votre corps et améliorent la force, la flexibilité et l'équilibre. Des conseils sur la respiration: Apprenez à synchroniser votre respiration avec vos mouvements pour une expérience plus profonde et plus relaxante. Des séances d'entraînement pour tous les niveaux: Progressez à votre rythme avec des exercices classés du niveau débutant à avancé. Un chapitre spécial pour les femmes enceintes: Découvrez des exercices sûrs et bénéfiques spécialement conçus pour les futures mamans. *** "Rapide & Facile" n'est pas seulement un guide de Pilates, c'est une méthode complète pour ceux qui cherchent à tonifier leur corps, à perdre du poids et à renforcer leur santé globale. Ce livre est parfaitement adapté aux femmes et aux hommes qui désirent atteindre leurs objectifs de fitness de manière élégante et efficace. Avec des routines spécifiques et des conseils ciblés, vous trouverez le chemin vers un mode de vie plus actif et plus sain. Embarquez dans cette aventure de Pilates et voyez comment la forme physique et le bien-être se transforment avec facilité. *** Faites le premier pas vers une vie plus saine et plus équilibrée. Obtenez votre copie de "Rapide & Facile" aujourd'hui et commencez à transformer votre corps et votre esprit avec le Pilates!

  • Wall Pilates and Fitball: Quick & Easy – A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced - Step by Step Fully Illustrated + 200 Exercises: HOME FITNESS, #1


    Wall Pilates and Fitball: Quick & Easy – A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced - Step by Step Fully Illustrated + 200 Exercises: HOME FITNESS, #1
    Wall Pilates and Fitball: Quick & Easy – A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced - Step by Step Fully Illustrated + 200 Exercises: HOME FITNESS, #1

    "Quick & Easy: The Ultimate Pilates Guide for Wall and Fitball - From Beginner to Advanced" is a comprehensive manual that promises to transform your Pilates practice, whether you're just stepping onto the mat or looking to deepen an established routine. This book meticulously unfolds over thirteen detailed chapters, each one dedicated to enhancing your understanding and execution of Pilates, specifically tailored for exercises using the wall and fitball.   What you'll find inside: How to Use This Book: Guides you through the structure of the book, introducing the innovative 10-20-30 rule for maximizing the effectiveness of your practice. Wall Pilates & Ball Pilates: These chapters break down the specifics of utilizing the wall and fitball in your practice, offering a fresh perspective on traditional Pilates exercises. Breathing: Focuses on the cornerstone of all Pilates practice—breathing. Detailed exercises help refine your technique for optimal energy flow and core engagement. Pre and Post Workout Stretching: Presents essential stretches to enhance flexibility, prevent injury, and ensure a holistic workout experience. 30-Day Challenges: Structured as a progressive journey, these challenges for beginners, intermediates, and advanced practitioners use the "10-20-30" method to build strength, flexibility, and mastery over 30 days, each week dedicated to a specific focus area. Exercises for Every Level: Over 200 detailed exercises tailored to every skill level, from fundamental movements to advanced techniques, ensuring a comprehensive Pilates workout with both the wall and fitball. Exercises with Fitball During Pregnancy: Offers safe, effective exercises for expectant mothers, emphasizing comfort and health during this special time.   With detailed illustrations and step-by-step instructions, this guide not only promises to enhance your physical health but also aims to align your body and mind, fostering a deep, fulfilling connection with your practice. Whether you're a beginner eager to learn the basics, an intermediate looking to challenge yourself, or an advanced practitioner seeking to refine your technique, this book offers something valuable for everyone.   Join us on this journey to discover the strength, flexibility, and balance that lie at the core of Pilates, transforming your practice and your life, one breath, one stretch, one exercise at a time.

  • Somatic Chair Yoga Exercises: Step by Step Fully Illustrated - Lose Weight, Revitalize Body, and Find Your Inner Peace - The 28-Day Challenge: HOME FITNESS, #2


    Somatic Chair Yoga Exercises: Step by Step Fully Illustrated - Lose Weight, Revitalize Body, and Find Your Inner Peace - The 28-Day Challenge: HOME FITNESS, #2
    Somatic Chair Yoga Exercises: Step by Step Fully Illustrated - Lose Weight, Revitalize Body, and Find Your Inner Peace - The 28-Day Challenge: HOME FITNESS, #2

    Are you struggling to lose weight and find inner peace? Do you want to revitalize your body but don't know where to start? This book has the solution to your problems! "Somatic Chair Yoga Exercises: The 28-Day Challenge" by Lena Königshof is your comprehensive guide to achieving your health and wellness goals. With this step-by-step, fully illustrated book, you'll discover how chair yoga can transform your life. ............. Over 90% of our readers have found significant benefits from this program. They report feeling more energized, experiencing less pain, and achieving a greater sense of inner peace. ............. This book is designed for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level. Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that is practiced sitting on a chair or standing using a chair for support. It's perfect for those with limited mobility, beginners, or anyone looking for a low-impact exercise routine.   Benefits you'll gain from this book: Lose Weight: Engage in effective chair yoga exercises that are specifically designed to help you shed those extra pounds. Revitalize Your Body: Improve your physical health, increase your flexibility, and boost your energy levels. Find Inner Peace: Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your yoga practice to achieve mental clarity and tranquility. Manage Specific Health Concerns: Target and alleviate common health issues such as arthritis, hypertension, and back pain with specialized exercises. Track Your Progress: Utilize our bonus tracking sheets to monitor your progress and stay motivated throughout your 28-day journey. Enjoy Quick and Healthy Recipes: Discover a collection of simple, nutritious recipes to support your overall wellness and complement your yoga practice.   Inside this book, you'll find: Incorporating Mindfulness into Chair Yoga Practice: Learn how to blend mindfulness techniques with chair yoga for a holistic approach to well-being. These exercises will help you focus on your breath, reduce stress, and enhance your overall yoga experience. Chair Yoga for Specific Health Concerns: Detailed instructions and illustrations for exercises that target arthritis, hypertension, and back pain. These routines are designed to help you manage and reduce symptoms, improve mobility, and enhance your quality of life. Bonus: Track Your Progress: Special sections dedicated to tracking your achievements. Use our progress tracking sheets to record your daily practices, monitor improvements, and celebrate milestones. Bonus: Quick and Healthy Recipes: A curated selection of easy-to-make, healthy recipes that are perfect for busy individuals. These recipes are designed to provide you with the necessary nutrients to support your yoga practice and promote overall health.   Testimonial: "This book has changed my life! I've lost weight, feel more energetic, and my back pain has significantly decreased. The step-by-step illustrations made it easy to follow along, even as a beginner. Highly recommend!" - Sarah M.   Don't wait any longer to start your journey to a healthier, more peaceful life. Get your copy of "Somatic Chair Yoga Exercises: The 28-Day Challenge" today and begin transforming your life step by step!

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