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Frantisek Josef Benedikt Dusik: The Biography of an Eighteenth-Century Composer
Music and Its Referential Systems
Corps du Théâtre / Il Corpo del Teatro: organicité, contemporanéité, interculturalité / organicità, contemporaneità, interculturalità
Série de livres électroniques3 titres

Specula Spectacula Series

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


À propos de cette série

How can we define the referential systems by which music is determined and through which music gets its own sense and meaning? What is the relation between these systems? Such questions are of particular weight in relation to current music practices, characterized by a great many of analytical procedures and hermeneutical views.
The questions raised open a series of different thematic fields presented in this book. The authors allocate the place of music to the field of aesthetic autonomy or describe its specific sign system(s). Special attention is focused on the systems of musicological contextualization and the meaning/understanding of music in different historical and/or functional contexts, from traditional liturgical chant up to recent compositions. Various contributions in the collection are dedicated to the relation between music and film, while others deal with the special sociological conditions that constitute some specific musical praxis, such as folk or rock music.
Date de sortie19 juil. 2011
Frantisek Josef Benedikt Dusik: The Biography of an Eighteenth-Century Composer
Music and Its Referential Systems
Corps du Théâtre / Il Corpo del Teatro: organicité, contemporanéité, interculturalité / organicità, contemporaneità, interculturalità

Titres dans cette série (3)

  • Corps du Théâtre / Il Corpo del Teatro: organicité, contemporanéité, interculturalité / organicità, contemporaneità, interculturalità


    Corps du Théâtre / Il Corpo del Teatro: organicité, contemporanéité, interculturalité / organicità, contemporaneità, interculturalità
    Corps du Théâtre / Il Corpo del Teatro: organicité, contemporanéité, interculturalité / organicità, contemporaneità, interculturalità

    Die mehrsprachige (franz., ital., engl., dt.) Publikation "Corps du Théâtre / Il Corpo del Teatro", herausgegeben von Ulf Birbaumer, Michael Hüttler und Guido Di Palma, befasst sich mit theateranthropologischen Überlegungen zum Körper - nicht nur des Schauspielers - im und auf dem Theater. Die hier versammelten Aufsätze und Essays anerkannter Theater- und Literaturwissenschafter präsentieren deren Forschungsergebnisse zu den Themenkomplexen "Der enthüllte Körper" (Piergiorgio Giacchè, Gabriele C. Pfeiffer, Janne Risum, Jacques Le Rider), "Körpergedächtnis" (Jean-Marie Pradier, Philippe Ivernel, Cesare Molinari, Claudio Meldolesi, Gerda Baumbach) und "Verkörperung" (Bruna Filippi, Patrice Pavis, Klemens Gruber, Ulf Birbaumer, Dieter Hornig, Guido Di Palma). Die wissenschaftlichen Ansätze der Autoren kreisen, bezugnehmend auf die aktuell wieder vermehrt geführte Debatte zu Theorie und Praxis des menschlichen Körpers auf der Bühne, um die Stichwörter Organizität, Gleichzeitigkeit und Interkulturalität am Theater.

  • Frantisek Josef Benedikt Dusik: The Biography of an Eighteenth-Century Composer


    Frantisek Josef Benedikt Dusik: The Biography of an Eighteenth-Century Composer
    Frantisek Josef Benedikt Dusik: The Biography of an Eighteenth-Century Composer

    The book discusses the life of the Czech composer Frantisek Josef Benedikt Dusik (1765-after 1817). Dusik was born into a musical family in Cáslav (Bohemia, today Czech Republik). After stuying in Prague he went to northern Italy. In the last decade of the eighteenth century he stayed in Ljubljana where he married and became one of the most important musical figures. He appeared as a musician in several famous Italian musical theatres of that time, from La Scala in Milan to San Benedetto in Venice. In Ljubljana he regularly appeared in musical theatre, was employed as an organist and regens chori in the cathedral and played a leading role in the Philharmonic Society. He wrote operas, church compositions, instrumental pieces, and foremost, symphonies, which represent the first Slovene works of that genre. The biography introduces readers to an almost forgotten musician, whose fortune led him to be a bandmaster of various Austrian infantry regiments, and at almost the same time a composer who praised Napoleon.

  • Music and Its Referential Systems


    Music and Its Referential Systems
    Music and Its Referential Systems

    How can we define the referential systems by which music is determined and through which music gets its own sense and meaning? What is the relation between these systems? Such questions are of particular weight in relation to current music practices, characterized by a great many of analytical procedures and hermeneutical views. The questions raised open a series of different thematic fields presented in this book. The authors allocate the place of music to the field of aesthetic autonomy or describe its specific sign system(s). Special attention is focused on the systems of musicological contextualization and the meaning/understanding of music in different historical and/or functional contexts, from traditional liturgical chant up to recent compositions. Various contributions in the collection are dedicated to the relation between music and film, while others deal with the special sociological conditions that constitute some specific musical praxis, such as folk or rock music.

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