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Bébé Aigle et Les Poussins Pour Les Maternelles
Série de livres électroniques1 titre

Bébé Aigle série

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À propos de cette série

This is a story of a lost baby eagle that found herself in the midst of chicks. Her chicks' family discriminated against her and treated her unfairly, and she wondered why; until the fateful day when her identity was mysteriously revealed through a mirrored image in a water bowl. Read to find out what happened to the little eagle, and the chicks

Date de sortie8 sept. 2020
Bébé Aigle et Les Poussins Pour Les Maternelles

Titres dans cette série (1)

  • Bébé Aigle et Les Poussins Pour Les Maternelles


    Bébé Aigle et Les Poussins Pour Les Maternelles
    Bébé Aigle et Les Poussins Pour Les Maternelles

    This is a story of a lost baby eagle that found herself in the midst of chicks. Her chicks' family discriminated against her and treated her unfairly, and she wondered why; until the fateful day when her identity was mysteriously revealed through a mirrored image in a water bowl. Read to find out what happened to the little eagle, and the chicks


Fyne C. Ogonor

Fyne Ogonor is a seasoned entrepreneur, educator, inspirational speaker, music writer, author, and a woman of God, who's very passionate about preparing and educating our future leaders and citizens of earth, to make this world a better place.

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